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Everything posted by bigSMOKE

  1. https://gyazo.com/1c8f15dcc29c62ff3a983251d9214e96

    @Ignis pls take that / out im getting triggered

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iPopsicle


      @bigSMOKE Closest one to me is 90 minutes away


      It's on everybodys profile lol

    3. bigSMOKE


      @Ignis its very rare i find someone with a more shit town than mine and yes this is a mass problem must be fixed asap before the forums has to be taken down again

    4. iPopsicle


      The problem was fixed, but my shit town, is not fixed. Rip

  2. its actually hard to fail but ok
  3. He doesn’t dupe he buys lots of money
  4. can get mag rebel wp shop dont cry bro
  5. The office is a must watch if you haven’t seen it already.
  6. Lots of early morning memories with that dude. Unfortunate.
  7. be ahead of the game and have already robbed them
  8. you know gang lifes dead when you have to unban everyone to revive it. Good call tho, not even hating lmao

  9. video of outcast snitching


    1. Outcast


      Lol you think im gonna waste my time to upload that.

      ahh 2017. Prob did report them then.

    2. bigSMOKE


      17 minutes ago, Outcast said:

      Lol you think im gonna waste my time to upload that.

      ahh 2017. Prob did report them then.

      all good i did too lmao

  10. Feel as if this will be the worst one yet, but I hope not. Gl.
  11. another poker event when? 

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