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Status Replies posted by bigSMOKE

  1. So is Battlegrounds worth getting? Read the reviews and seems to have multiple comments about fps problems.

  2. 97cf74a3b468229aeae09267f246679e.jpg

    Which ones real tho? :deIlluminati:



  3. Ladies and Gentlemen [Taxi] Hippo...


  4. when are you going to let us buy broken-damaged garages,vehicles can spawn in front of them ???

  5. March donation goal is pretty awesome, thank you.

  6. when are you going to let us buy broken-damaged garages,vehicles can spawn in front of them ???

  7. BattleGrounds is out baby! Let's gooo

  8. BattleGrounds is out baby! Let's gooo

  9. Anyone else see a large decrease in player count since the automated bans?

    1. bigSMOKE


      whats shitty about it is that you are banning people who have put thousands or hundreds of hours in the server just because they had fun with some friends and cheated on a game they dont care about, like i said something that happened in the past like a vac ban shouldnt be taken over to another game where they play, sure you can say they could be cheating all because they cheated with a friend on csgo or you can say they cheated on csgo and can no longer play the game. the systems logic is just bad, at least talk to the person instead of being childish and making them right meaningless essays about why cheating is bad and why they're sorry when they aren't sorry because they had a good time.

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  10. Anyone else see a large decrease in player count since the automated bans?

    1. bigSMOKE


      @McDili you obviously just want your system to be right so youre siding with him, all he does is ride admins about how right they are, your system is shit and everyone else except mods/ppl who made it agree

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  11. Anyone else see a large decrease in player count since the automated bans?

    1. bigSMOKE


      @TheRandomOne stop riding admin dick and see its a shitty system, sr news dont have to act as professional as actual sr members  

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  12. Anyone else see a large decrease in player count since the automated bans?

    1. bigSMOKE


      @TheRandomOne if someone fails a math test who is to say they wont fail the next? its a shit logic

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  13. Anyone else see a large decrease in player count since the automated bans?

    1. bigSMOKE


      prob bc ppl had fun on games they didnt care about  lol

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  14. Dear @DeNiaL

    You are a dick.

    You will not be welcome back to the Olympus Servers, My Gang, or teamspeak in any way whatsoever

    I go to bat for any one of my members that is banned as anyone who has ever been involved the ban appeals process is well aware. However your hacking ban is legitimate and you had multiple accounts to ban evade on too.

    You are the first person to ever be in my gang and be banned for Hacking in my gang. After 2 and a half years, You have not only sullied the gangs reputation as a clean group of players despite what people think, and my own reputation that I can play without cheaters, as, if I'm going to point the finger at anyone for cheating, I'm going to make sure my own back is covered first, you have fucked that up for me.

    The fact that you have deleted me off Steam, and a few forms of social media only makes your guilt more evident. You not only lose my respect as a player but as a friend. You lied to me.

    Let this be a lesson to all. Not everyone is who they say they are, Not everyone is as clean and legitimate as you might think they are, and when backed in to a corner, people will lie to your face to save their own skin because this is the internet, and they don't have the spine to do it in person. This is exactly why I am in full support for what the administrators and Poseidon are doing to prevent cheaters, despite the hassle that it has caused to those affected.



  15. PSA: Regardless of your opinion of the current system, if you believe your ban was unfair submit an appeal and it will be reviewed.

  16. Aaaaaaand thread locked . What a shocker 

  17. It'll never happen but I'd be so down for them to remove the crosshair, would add a nice challenge

  18. It'll never happen but I'd be so down for them to remove the crosshair, would add a nice challenge

  19. It'll never happen but I'd be so down for them to remove the crosshair, would add a nice challenge

  20. It'll never happen but I'd be so down for them to remove the crosshair, would add a nice challenge

  21. It'll never happen but I'd be so down for them to remove the crosshair, would add a nice challenge

  22. It'll never happen but I'd be so down for them to remove the crosshair, would add a nice challenge

  23. It'll never happen but I'd be so down for them to remove the crosshair, would add a nice challenge

  24. It'll never happen but I'd be so down for them to remove the crosshair, would add a nice challenge

  25. Anyone have some cs skins for trade? *serious pleaserino* I got a bayonet and a m4a1-s st-cyrex. Msg me!!!

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