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Everything posted by Arigato

  1. Head on over to http://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ and fill out a compensation request with proper evidence, staff will get to it as soon as possible. There have been quite a few hackers recently, so it may take awhile, staff is swamped right now.
  2. No, you don't have to record non stop, there are some programs out there that can record the last couple minutes of gameplay; GeForce Experience is a good program to use if you have a nvidia graphics cards, I've also heard plays.tv works fairly well.
  3. I'm guessing you're still young, we all make mistakes. Just learn and grow from them and avoid making the same mistake twice. It'll be all right bud.
  4. I think it's time for a 3rd server, we have a high population. It will only get higher towards the summer too.
  5. https://gyazo.com/b1ffa70ee6cf0a4f0071b102a62c5251
  6. Welcome to the server, hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions feel free to hop into the olympus TS and join a support channel for instant help. Also, feel free to apply to be a developer so we can use you for slave labor! your developing talents to better the server.
  7. Now that's a spicy meme
  8. It really makes me laugh that people are denying that csat has extra armor, it's a game mechanic, they're supposed to be used with the CSAT faction's lower quality vests. CSATs are a problem, remove them, plop their skin on another article of clothing and call it a day. Remove CSAT and add in more cosmetic uniforms.
  9. +1
  10. You know, I was going to write something really snarky and just down right mean, but then I realized no one really gives a shit about my opinion.
  11. It must really be difficult for you to function with such a low cognitive ability.
  12. There's been a noticeable different, but that's bound to happen. You'll have both sides saying it's better or it's worse. It's all perspective, I think the quality has gone down but, in my opinion that's the player base's fault.
  13. I don't think you understand cartel fighting, 1 rando taking a cartel isn't worth the effort.
  14. you're joking right? It's Christmas day, why weren't you trying to cap last weekend at prime cartel time?
  15. biscuits and banter
  16. good lord, why even go to the cartel if you're just gonna do that. Stick to kavala bud.
  17. One sentence to sum up Canada eh? Pretentious arrogance perpetuated through passive aggressiveness.
  18. The fact that he added drinking on duty lol are we not playing a game?
  19. X Files, The Flash, The Arrow, Vedici, Marco Polo
  20. Arigato


    Just get a 1070, I'm guessing all you'll ever play at is 1080p, so anything better is just overkill.
  21. The most notable occurrence is when police prowlers show up. It happens at other times as well, but those seem to do the most damage.
  22. good lord what a beastly machine
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