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Everything posted by Arigato

  1. I'm pulling the long con on 8 ball fuck you @Dante o7 to the best friend, best admin, and best chief.
  2. best advice I've ever seen, top tier, 1000 iq
  3. nope
  4. SSD is your big upgrade for arma
  5. Rip all other training servers
  6. DRUNK DOMO IS BEST DOMO if you want smoke let’s go roast session on this status update get everything off your chest let’s see who spits more flame no one is off limits and no restrictions @ whoever you want

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. -dante-


      You had to second guess yourself on whether insulting someone about a deceased family member was OK or not. Should tell ya something about yourself outside of this video game. 

    3. Vortex
    4. sped


      im being censored from expressing my thoughts on people by @hawk

      thanks hawk ur the boy:FeelsBad:

  7. 1000 iq play right there
  8. GUEST_4d415436-edb4-4fa9-932f-952506dc00

    1. Imawowboy


      mmmmmm, I would love to eat some cereal out of that with my new spoon, a good lid to keep it nice and fresh for later, mmmmm

  9. S T O P M E N T I O N I N G M E
  10. So if I reply and lock it I win, bet
  11. Welcome to the team @xDRO I had the pleasure to see some of your work and I’m very excited to see what you can do

  12. o7 i'll be able to boss with you by the time this semester is over
    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


      Someone got a roast?

      Good roast gets JUAN FREE TOXIC PASS!

    2. maxg


      and people say @Doc doesn't comp :Kappa:

    3. iPopsicle


      10 minutes ago, max^ said:

      and people say @Doc doesn't comp :Kappa:


  13. Got my nigga @Fake Grandma back anybody want smoke you can come get it
  14. Welcome to the team (again) ya big gay @Pledge

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