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Felipeee last won the day on May 5 2017

Felipeee had the most liked content!

About Felipeee

  • Birthday 01/02/2000

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  1. lmao
  2. holy shit your autistic, see where I put you think, I thought that was a giveaway. your just inbred so your brain doesn't function properly
  3. cant call anyone retarded you think civ rep is a fucking job your getting payed for kys
  4. its in your signature you fucking retard
  5. which is most likely from the other autistic sibling
  6. You legit say unban my daddy rp slayer 10 times a month?????
  7. You're 12 i can understand your retardedness, an admin ( this is the staff ) said someone ( not the same staff member ) ratted rp out in a steam message ( this was screenshotted ) mongol
  8. And if your brain was abit more developed and you read my first comment that you defended your cringey dad about i said someone ratted him out.
  9. I dont know but a an admin was in a channel and i heard him say that so keep thinking your (dad) is innocent
  10. Do new fingers come with these deals sir @Sonny Asif
  11. Must be why he's already been ratted on for having an alt account that he msged someone on saying I'm going to go on Olympus and ban evade lmao.
  12. This nigga
  13. @Linka dirty weeb you dont deserve a happy birthday

  14. Finding nemo.
  15. He only reposted this for the likes smh
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