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Status Updates posted by Pinkstreak

  1. Can confirm that Sir @Peter Longdoes not even have Arma installed...#bestowner

    1. DeadPool


      Next thing ya know hes downloading BDO @McDili

    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      I just reformatted. I don't have anything installed YOU APE

    3. Pinkstreak


      Lies! Sounds like a BDO coverup to me!

  2. Woohoo @Claysive Welcome to the cool kids club!! <3

    1. Claysive


      Thank you! Good to on board!

  3. Merry Christmas Lovelies!! <3 I hope you all had a great year and I cant wait to see what 2019 brings for Olympus and this wonderful community! Love you all!

    1. 1-800TryHards


      You gonna give me my medic test :) for EMT 

  4. Tonight was a ton of fun! Thanks to all involved!! @the - gang, you guys are the true MVPs :P

    1. bdj


      npnp was fun

    2. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      I got abused <_<

    3. DeadPool


      @Kyle Lake Do you need a band aid?

  5. You will be on my mind for the next few days! Everything is going to be great and amazing and perfect! We will try to get a kill for you in the gang wars <3 Keep me posted please!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. iPopsicle



    3. Ebzekro
    4. iPopsicle


      I know I am an animal.

  6. My silly sleepy quote so far today is "Its like seeing a comet crush a baby elephant, it doesnt happen"....I need sleep in my, like yesterday :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thomas


      silly billy

    3. Pinkstreak


      See... Weird stuff comes out of this mouth... Or doesn't us know since the word life outta this post... I'm sad now :(

      Woah.. Engrish please pink. "Ya know since I left the word life out of this post"..nailed it.

    4. Pinkstreak


      Ebby, I did say that you are correct but ya know, you gotta be you :P

  7. Friendly reminder for Charlie squad. We have a meeting tonight at 6pm est. Be there or else! MUAHAHAHAHA

    1. Fastik


      Omg threats!!!!!

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Coming from Pink? She is as sweet a button! The world is coming to an end as we know it.... :( 

    3. Fastik


      Confirmed evil pink

  8. Sorry I haven't been around much at all here lately. Still dealing with things and it is not easy at all. Hopefully I will be back shortly. I will continue to miss you all in the meantime though :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      we are all here for you Pink, remember that. The Olympus family is here to love and support you forever and allways :) 


      And there is nothing bad in showing you have a bad day, we all have bad days, it is a part of living <3 

    3. QKSILVR73


      Hang in there!! It will get easier as long as your positive about it.


  9. Just wanted to thank those of you that are donating to the server. Thank you for helping to keep the community we all love alive. <3 you guys!

    1. WannaBe2015


      in before charge backs ;)

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I try and donate when I can. After all, it is the player base that keep the community alive.

  10. Got perm'd then unperm'd off of ts, then perm'd and unperm'd on the server, then perm'd and unperm'd off ts again. It has been one heck of a day!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fastik


      Pink was a bad girlllll.

    3. Pinkstreak


      Well ya see, I realized Hades can crack the jokes but he cant take em :P And also that i can 1 click a medic from 1 km away...Best shot ever if only it was not the medic! :P

    4. Fastik


      Shouldve been streaming so i coulda saw it #CantBeliveYou

  11. So, apparently I am a fat, emo Martha Stuart. Hey, at least I have that T.V. money ya'll! <3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Odin


      I love your sheets Martha! And your shower curtain... and kitchen sets... I have too much Martha in my life :/

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      At least you're not Hillary Clinton...

    4. GhostFace


      ^ I gotta agree with this guy

  12. Been gone for a week and I am so happy to be back at it! <3 you guys!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chaotix


      You're still getting the arabian hot potato, whether you love me or not.

    3. Pinkstreak


      You guys are awesome!!

    4. Jaeger Mannen
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