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Everything posted by Xeltini

  1. Customized fight shorts added under original post
  2. Congrats @Jordan540. Welcome back my dude

  3. o7 wouldn't have couped @Ryan with anyone else, good luck in your future my friend.
  4. Anyone play GTA V RP?

    1. Creepy
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      There's one launching soon that I'll be on. Retweet RP. Lemme know if you want the Discord.

  5. Once I beat @Vipers ass @Huskers is next
  6. Pssh cutting me short 7lbs
  7. Adding H-barreirs to black off North Deer Stand at BW Link here RACIST
  8. Not my finest moment. 


    1. Legendary


      i can hear the disappointment in @Viper's voice....

  9. @Ryan me and @Viper now see why you havent been around. been cheating on us eh? got something to explain?
  10. 1.25 mil for rpg and all rockets. Recent appraisals in the status updates gave me this number
  11. How much is an RPG worth?

    1. Unjo


      75 warpoints for launcher, 10 per rocket

    2. Drippp


      1mill - 1.5 I believe

    3. Xeltini
  12. Offer idk how much they are worth
  13. Don't be sick of it. Embrace it! Be proud of who you are and don't let anyone try to pressure you into getting your willy wet. You will know when it is time to take that big step in life into adulthood and no one should pressure you into it. I'm proud to say that my body count is zero and that I sweat and shake when talking to girls but that's okay, its who I am and I embrace that. A wise virgin once said “People with lost personalities will suffer a great deal more than those with lost virginities.” Just think into the future when you are with your future wife and you can tell her "I've remained a virgin for you." Just think about the tears in her eyes as she realized how special and honorable you are to wait for the right woman to lay thy pipe on. Being a virgin is something to be proud of today, its unique like being a unicorn so to you my friend smile as you are more unique than most of today's world.
  14. Sorry sir I cannot sell my autographed Danny Duncan merch however you may get some yourself here. https://www.dannyduncan69.com/
  15. Selling money on olympus servers is highly illegal and I would never participate in such actions.
  16. ima sit on that offer to see if I get anything better will let you know
  17. Add me on steam of message me on olympus teamspeak im in dono channels
  18. Oo ye lmao. I can assure everyone none of these items are duped as I am a virgin and play this game as it is my life and would not risk a ban.
  19. What does BW have to do with anything. And I'm keeping my virginity as I must rep the virginity rocks merch with nothing but the truth Idk how much they go for 300k?
  20. Ye I'll be on in around 30 mins
  21. Don't have images of the gear too lazy Put offers below or PM S1 RPG-7 + 4 Rockets S2 Zaros Garage 5x Pilot Coveralls 2 Titan Launchers 1 M6 SLAM Mine 3 12.7 Mags Camo CMR-76 + 5 Mags Mar-10 Camo + 4 Mags MXM Tazer + 24 Mags 1 Police Vest Any Server 500 Warpoints And some other things that you need can steam message me about https://steamcommunity.com/id/xeltini/
  22. Xeltini


    Best have some time for some mean greens
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