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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. I called dibs on the next one!
  2. @Panda :) You god damn lagging QT Congrats!

  3. Shhh cant flex on them like that smh You already know Cant be ddosed if we make them read books first
  4. @falcon Kyle was suggesting this the same day you made a post about it. How does it feel to shut him down and make him feel like a shitter?
  5. Congrats @Fusah 

    o7 Fellow Ryan @Kurt, were down to 3 now :( 

  6. The @Viper stream never fails to disappoint. 


  7. Player has been dealt with the appropriate administrative action. Please be sure to leave any proof you have submitted up for at least 2 weeks in case we need it for further review. Thank you for the report.
  8. This^ We dont just take names from Asylum and ban them on the spot. We go through a whole process before putting in a ban that Asylum gave us. We check their evidence, check the players logs, reports, and have the devs look into everything thats found. If an appeal is made, we go through a more excessive process then usual bans. If we go through everything and that person is still banned then they are lying to you because it just means we found something that was clearly evident to let the ban stick. Amen.
  9. @hawk why you come back so soon

    1. hawk


      :( I'll make sure to leave forever next time :Kappa:

    2. Ryan
    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
  10. Umm how is this boy a APD offcer, he legit uses a voice changer XD he is like 14 years old

    1. drama
    2. -dante-


      I also photoshopped the beard on my profile picture 

    3. Ryan


      30 minutes ago, draMa said:


      im exposing this man for his real age

  11. @draMa @destruct Looks like we finally got to them. The vigi scum have fallen and the rebels have come out on top. 


    @Genghis Khan would be proud.


    Till next time @Robinhood

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeadPool


      only if you could get them to stop going to warzone

    3. monster


      57 minutes ago, Deadpool said:

      only if you could get them to stop going to warzone

      Sorry, my taxi took me to warzone instead of kavala and i didnt have enough money to get back to Kavala, just enough to get you to vigi outpost.

    4. Genghis Khan
  12. I can in fact confirm that the vigilantes have been eradicated. We have reduced the population and prevented a crisis. Good shit boys, so far we got the upper hand. Kavala will rest easily knowing that the vigi plague was stopped. The only loss was @OutCast as he was the only bot that got vigied during the purge. 


    Purge went smoothly, thank you to everyone that participated. Thanks to the staff that helped run it as well. @Fusah you're a qt for adding the red zone.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Unjo


      30 minutes ago, KrispyK said:

      Was gonna do it on cop but unjo ruined it for everyone.

      Sorry I didnt join in on the 15v2 fight on the rook bangers

    3. KrispyK


      I was here to fight vigis.

      Couldnt even reach square because you abused the in-game hex to find cops

  13. That will be too OP for vigis, not happening lol
  14. No, this is a purge event which means everyone besides medics are KOS. Rebels and cops can kill eachother lol. The vigi thing is just to make things more interesting since there has been a recent spike in vigi talk on the forums. You dont have to target only vigis though
  15. You win this time idk what you're talking about thats how it was spelt
  16. That’s a question for @Dante, I can’t change APD handbook rules.
  17. If APD will be allowed they will be lethal only. If you guys are down for that LMK in this post. Otherwise as of right now APD will not participate.
  18. The vigilantes have taken over Kavala, and have outnumbered the civilians as well as the Altis Police Department force. At the current expansion rate the vigilantes are expected to take over by Christmas. This must be stopped! With the help of the fellow citizens and the lethal APD force we can take back Kavala. #EradicateTheVigis In other words @draMa @destruct and I will be hosting a massive Kavala Purge event tonight. I will comment on this post with a set time and server later today. APD will be taking part of the event with lethal force only. SDAR's were authorized for the event. #MakeKavalaGreatAgain Event Information: Time: 6:25 PM Eastern Standard Time Server: Server 2 The R&R will be placing dope crates at a few spots in Kavala, so there should be no excuses when needing dopamine. Rules: - DO NOT camp the gun store, if caught camping the gun store you will receive an Event Disruption ban. - Medics are NOT KOS, if reported you will be banned for Event Disruption - If you are a cop do NOT lethal anyone that is a naked without a gun - All APD forces are allowed to participate in the event as lethal only. Deputies and PO's are allowed to use SDAR's, but are not allowed to use them after the event is over. A PO+ can drop an SDAR for the deputies for the event only. If caught with the SDAR after the event, appropriate action will be met by sAPD - If participating as an APD officer, you are allowed to kill other cops. APD will be a free for all game, you do not need to only target civs - There will be NO NLR - Kill all the damn vigilantes, they must be eradicated
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