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Everything posted by Viper

  1. I mean, I dont need a gofundme, i'd just rather not spend money on setting this up when its for the community. Not really worth it if there's no gain, so I decided to make it so yall would get something in return. Nothing different from a twitch giveaway... were still gonna do the event its just gonna be shit quality because i'd rather spend my money on other things.
  2. Huge Giveaway, 1 Winner Only!
    Includes: 2 AT Offroads, Armed Qilin, 2 ENGS, 25 MIL IN GAME, Zafir, DMS, and 300 WPS
    TO JOIN....

  3. fat bet That's what this is for my guy https://www.gofundme.com/OlympusBoxingMatch
  4. We gonna try. But it ain’t lookin good
  5. You’re not allowed to play in Ryan’s department
  6. you forgot I know where you live Tell Marresca I said hi
  7. shut your cum guzzling bitch ass up nobody gives a shit about your noodle arms except your cousin you always have on your snap, so go fuck her before I do
  8. your bitch ass cant even dig a hole 12 feet deep
  9. Viper Vs Xeltini Quick update boys, the fight is going to take place late summer. To accommodate for the venue and the production quality I aim to have I have started a gofundme so those that are willing to watch will be able to watch for free. This is not required but it is greatly appreciated. Those who have helped and donated towards the Boxing match will all be entered into a raffle for various prizes. Once again @Xeltini and I look forward to the match, and thought this would be the best way to show it without charge on a pay per view system. If we fall short then unfortunately we will have to go to a pay per view system and have a lower production quality, so for that reason I decided to put this out there ahead of time. https://www.gofundme.com/OlympusBoxingMatch If you are interested in fighting send me a PM and when we have a decided date and venue then I will fly you down, serious inquires only please and have your opponent ready and willing to join you. If you have not checked out the previous post showcasing the fight stats, check it out. The donation goal is not an accurate representation of what is needed financially, but we are trying to adjust out goal in a similar way to Olympus donation goal. With that being said, these funds will be used to not only set the venue up but to prepare the stream with proper production quality. Some of the available funds will also be given out to the community in giveaways and other prizes.
  10. who is this mans
  11. @Xeltini is hot af 


    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Tell Xeltini that if he isn’t playing Altis life roleplay, then nobody cares smh

    2. Ryan


      id 100% smash dude wtf

  12. Why do you have to change lethals? The only problem is that slam tower has more defense so why don’t you just push the other side? I get that apd doesn’t have fingers but when we can still milk a deputy for 15 mins because nobody told them to buy a med kit, it’s your fault not ours.
  13. @Ares you push this through and want to reach the donation goal, the fuck?
  14. wheres the fucking TLDR for this shit show
  15. Viper

    Selling DMS

    This will be a pass that you can use once per restart. After 30 min I’m clear to come back to the area
  16. Same time today boys. Same channel. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DABESTeva


      aye we got our rest in hitting these events hard today 

    3. DeadPool


      1 hour ago, Ryan said:

      Might as well make it one of the event channels at this point lmao

      I already told them the channel pw

    4. swrvy
  17. Viper

    Selling DMS

    5 mil and a “don’t shoot me” plane pass

    I’d donate to server, if there was down voting.

  19. Someone say giveaway?
  20. “should be done soon” Siri start a timer 


  21. Severs almost as dead as @Ares

  22. @MAV I get that rolling back is gonna fix it for now, but how do you even prevent something like this happening? cant said person just do it again?
  23. better than the kid below 


  24. When @Pledge joins my channel and @Xeltini and I aren't doing a speed trap 



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