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TheRandomOne last won the day on December 31 2016

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About TheRandomOne

  • Birthday July 9

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  1. Guess what's coming back:


    More info coming shortly guys :D

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      I like how my age is a insult. Also i know people get texture bugged on Asylum but its not as frequent i dont mind a texture bug here and there but every fucking hour pisses me off. Also before you call my pc shit. GTX 970 I5 12 GB of ram. Also i never said the hospitals are a problem. It seemed to be untill we realized its any custom texture, hell i got texture bugged at terminal storing a heli and some money i doubt the hospital had anything to do with that. Im simply saying we dont need super detailed textures or parts of the map. Things like those standing maps and such are more or less a hazard as walking into them kill you. And the billboards seem to serve no purpose at all, i also want to say these arent the main route of the texture bugs just the things ive been around when it happens.

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Hey wasteland junkie, quit it! I got texture bugged just by passing through fed the other day... NO damn hostpital near. Just plain old texture-less fed. 

      I got texture bugged the other night even before having loaded everything, right after the startup menu and bam. Texture bug. You know damn well it's Bohemia. Also, just because asylum looks like a King of the hill server with little sticks and plaques for NPC's doesn't mean Olympus has to have such shit tier interactivity options as well. 

    4. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Honestly you guys are all being children. 

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