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Everything posted by TheRandomOne

  1. Excuse? You took the time to upload the video and post it to the forums to....what exactly? Hurt my feelings? Oh noooo VX doesn't like me what ever will I do? ....Probably go on not caring as usual See, salt:
  2. Thanks for the new signature by the way! Because of the amount of salt it gets. These kids make it too easy to troll them haha
  3. This has been an interesting holiday season. Found out my grandfather knew the godfather of the Italian mafia in the early 70s, got cops called on me (had to break into my parents house because they locked themselves out) and almost arrested for it. 10/10 Christmas eve. Let's hope today is much tamer.

    1. -dante-


      Ah having cops try to arrest you for entering your own home..I've been there -.-

    2. TheRandomOne


      Well, technically it's not mine. I was visiting family out in the suburbs. So, to their neighbors, it was a random dude on the roof of the house trying to jimmy open a window while another random dude (my uncle) stood out front waiting to get in haha

    3. -dante-


      Yeah it was my mom's house as well. Mom was away and I needed to get some stuff inside the house that she needed. No key so I had to push in the window unit for my old bedroom and climb through the window. Before I could put the window unit back in there were cops creeping in the back yard looking for me. Luckily her adress was still on my license so they didn't give me too much hell. 

  4. Unfortunately for Jesse, that's all he gets to do
  5. All you guys actually are retarded if you think this is an accurate test...
  6. You're tacky and I hate you
  7. You should get caught by @Serpico and I then, it's straight out of a low budget buddy cop movie. Also, @Airman too.
  8. 58 of those minutes are then spent inside rebel.
  9. I'm pretty sure I heard if VX stray for too long outside the city limits members start to become sick until they return to their natural habitat.
  10. Athira? That seems way to far from Sophia for them to go there.
  11. U r trash tier. go back to kavala scrub ggez
  12. So....whens that announcement being made guys?
  13. Where'd you get the lag switch? I thought Asylum was saving that for gang wars P.S. RIP gang wars
  14. Who r u? Ur irrelevant. Fight me at a cartel fgt
  15. You're tacky and I hate you ....am I doing this right? But if people don't see you roast someone....did it really happen?
  16. I can even break down the designers a little further. Airman is doing textures, Muthinator does legal related map design ( and I think maybe some textures?) and Toe Knee does illegal map design. Peter does it all and oversees I believe. No idea for dev or how that's broken down. That shows the importance of middle management
  17. Well the devs are Poseidon, Jesse, and Serpico. Designers are Muthinator, Airman, Toe Knee, and Peter. Though I agree they should get their own section.
  18. Psh, I'm building that bitch myself. More fun (read: time consuming) that way.
  19. I've definitely got an idea for an event to propose to the staff as well. Just need to put some finishing touches on it and I'll definitely propose it. P.S. It may or may not involve a labyrinth
  20. I know, I know. But a man can dream.
  21. @Peter Long You should have them fight in the area I built/showed you. That'll change things up.
  22. Any DP 22/23 S1 houses for sale? Lemme know

    1. silton


      i can mark my 22 house that i sold

    2. TheRandomOne
  23. Neither will probably be allowed to keep things even.
  24. TheRandomOne


    Come a long way since being a cop on Asylum
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