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Everything posted by TitledExpert

  1. Mmmmm Gl.
  2. https://gyazo.com/86f8636460eb1d9729fca4e3368800ba You really winning though?
  3. How about NO.
  4. Looks Badass
  5. Happy Birthday man. Ples no ben

  6. Sorry Orgondo <3


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dangus


      But... orgondo didn't have a stop sign... 

    3. QKSILVR73


      Oh crap thought Orgondo was in box truck. Ahh nevermind


  7. Sucks you can't connect to servers, tell you what though, the game is sick!
  8. Instant Epi huh
  9. Just because one sound mod is added doesn't mean the server is going to be filled with a bunch of mods. Besides, it's optional!
  10. I've talked about it before and I'll talk about it again. Dynasound is a mod in which it completely redoes every gun sound and every explosion in Arma (As well as Helicopters). Probably one of the easiest mods you could download as you can find this in the Steam Workshop! Worried about FPS issues? No need to worry about that as this mod doesn't decrease your FPS at all. Here's a short clip of me testing out the gun sounds: I think this mod should be added as it brings in completely new sounds into Arma. As I think These vanilla gun sounds are starting to become pretty stale. Let me know what you think of this!
  11. Yes, because everyone loves the stings.
  12. How do I apply for Moderator? :Kappa:



    Congrats man!

  13. 300 for a full set you only have 3 mags familia.
  14. Tanoa?
  15. Happy Birthday Dante!  :4head:

  16. What if I was a newbie on the server, you gonna call him an idiot too? Smh
  17. So I've seen some Vigis who have have rebel gear on them. I wanted to know if that is a bannable offense.
  18. Why, just why.
  19. That's my boy Kev.
  20. Alright, I'm engaged with another gang, no idea where they are so I'm panicking a bit, I see some guy running down the field with his gun out. I don't have time to look at his name so I shoot him and kill him. Happens to be that he was not apart of their gang but he's running through the middle of a warzone. Is this considered RDM?
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