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Everything posted by hawk

  1. So many incorrect things in 1 statement it hurts to read this
  2. I don't respond because I don't wanna waste my time on you
  3. I'll gladly help if you would like to set this up
  4. Sooooo.... @Ron for designer?

  5. I know what you're refering to, and there's a big difference between a joke and what you did.
  6. I forgot jokes offend people a lot in 2019
  7. Yea @Strae you better play whenever Civak tells you to or he will remove you!!!
  8. Blackwater gear is gonna cost as much as rebel gear soonTM
  9. At the time of their completion, the Twin Towers — the original 1 World Trade Center, at 1,368 feet (417 m); and 2 World Trade Center, at 1,362 feet (415.1 m) — were the tallest buildings in the world.

  10. Glorious leader @DeadPool shall create the APD Handbook updates from now on
  11. So you complain when we use a lot of ghawks but you also complain when we don't use a lot. Sounds like a lose-lose situation. No point in arguing this further. And also we shouldn't have to bring up APD Handbook updates to staff meetings.
  12. Ah yes I forgot people must remember something that was brought up 5 months ago.
  13. The deerstands were brought up months ago, therefore it wasn't recent and that change was approved under Peter.
  14. But they are under supervision by senior APD at all times while using them so if they mess up they get punished, and the chances of messing up is low since the senior who is supervising can clarify what the POs can and can't do. F A C T S
  15. Yea cause making them write a narrative will definitely help!
  16. Actually, there is an application process to join the APD!
  17. Find it funny that when the deerstands get added, civs win many blackwaters in a row and then use the BW gear to win feds lmao. Getting BW gear is easy as hell right now
  18. I can't believe out of everything to complain about, people complain about SDARS LMAO
    1. CocoisDead


      Fake news we all know sandman doesnt leave his room.

  19. Yes it should affect bomb plants, thats what the whole system is in place for.
  20. Yes, cops who are being actively trained don't count towards the tac respawn amount
  21. The ear rape is a Bohemia thing, and weird flex but ok
  22. Happy Birthday @Airborne the U N I T himself

    1. Airborne


      Thanks, you’re the gayest French Canadian alive 

  23. hawk

    o7 my dudes

    o7 you god damn legend, never gonna forget the BW times
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