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Panda :)

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. If you could use your common sense I was quoting you on calling me worse than anyt VX member I said you didn't know me because yo have never seen me play except for maybe my montages. please stop. Same thing I was think xD I had to read it like 5 times.
  2. But there is a big difference between me and him I'm a MC Bot hes a VX Bot.
  3. Just stop trying please you don't know me and I'm above you in every way you can think just stop please.
  4. I don't even know you. bot fuck ass kid.
  5. But hes known for more than being a VX bot.
  6. People like you are smart tho u noticed they were bad and got out.
  7. The only reason you aren't in VX anymore is because all the people left the only reason people talk shit about vx bot and shitter because that is what you are known for and what you will always be known for bot.
  8. No?? aren't you the coopacarp that is fucking shit and that will never be anyone you fucking bot Hang your self and I don't ever wanna hear you talk about someones montage when you don't have you u fucking rat go back to your cage.
  9. I'm reformed I promise no flame @staff but the they both have reasons behind them now if you reply with something this dumb again you VX bot you might need to go get checked for autism thanks.
  10. 1. To bring more players new players don't know how to spam and its hard for new people to get in a full server other people are spamming to get in 2. why not have you not seen the donation goals being met almost every month people highly request it. Now please do me a favor and neck retard.
  11. For anyone who voted no I bought you a present
  12. Not do not fuck up server 3!
  13. I wish regicide and the boys were back only fun I have fighting right now is when we fight incarnate  :FeelsBad:

  14. What happened to VX?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bigPat
    3. Rusty


      33 minutes ago, bigPat said:

      What is VX? 

      bot gang

    4. Augustus


      the leader is inactive, so it disbanded from what I know

  15. 1. APD (higher ranks) Cmdrrex and Outcast 2. APD (lower ranks) Senior Deputy Orgondo and Retired Officer Wrench 3.MEDIC (higher ranks) DaneG 4.MEDIC (lower ranks)none 5. vigilantes [MC] Blue power ranger and [MC] Green power ranger 6. TAXI drivers Marty
  16. S t a t u s u p d a t e
  17. congratz on mod

    1. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Wait I'm late i didn't notice

    2. Lucki


      Hah,  only a week late... but thanks anyway

  18. My Boy @I Am Fuzzy is the only one out here with good ideas
  19. You seem like a person that would know this is it normal for me to push on my chest and hear a squelching noise

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -dante-


      16 minutes ago, Peter Long said:

      or you are just fat


  20. Civilian representative what is that?

  21. Will there be a next gang wars so I can get smacked 

    1. Heidelberg


      You're not the only thing im going to smack :pog:

    2. Panda :)
  22. I was disappointed and I saw NWO and thought it was a APD vs NWA meme that someone made then I seen this...
  23. Panda Player unknowns battle grounds I would like it because I have 4k hours on arma and I'm still bad and I want a new game to play because all my friends have it and I have watched people play it on youtube looks really fun would buy it myself but who doesn't want to try at a free game :/
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