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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. Maybe if you didnt act like a 2 year old when their mother takes their pacifier you might have.
  2. Fucking freak get lost and dont come back
  3. LOL kid you are how old you live on this game you fucking weirdo I have the mop on my head for kids like you that cry when I do your ban appeal i got to get the tears up some how
  4. Yeah @Noahhh! asked me my opinion on your ban I told him I would probably lift it also lifted your ddos'ing perm but go off ig have fun never being able to play a whitelisted faction and probably soon never being able to play the server
  5. Thanks brother I really admire your work so I decided to buy into your name and hopefully flip a profit
  6. Great to know next time your tears will have no effect on my decision making on your next appeal
  7. Oh so you mean bans like these That were lifted not because you didn't do anything wrong Those were perms that were lifted
  8. Dude you act like this and then wonder why no one likes you and treats you with zero respect
  9. Yes when you doxxed him I asked him what he wanted me to do since you doxxed him and he said to unban you.
  10. Here’s a few tips to stop being cringe. 1. Identify the cringe 2. Restrict yourself from the cringe 3. If you’re being flamed this bad just stop replying they will too 4. Don’t just randomly attack people especially rabid I’m pretty sure the guy was nice to you before.
  11. Conor really got milly rocked

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Meaning we'll probably see another Connor fight in the future. Won't want to go out on his back.

  12. Well... since we are putting our opinions yeah it looks like when he ran him over it wasn’t intentional but we don’t ban whether someone ran someone over or not the ban part comes in when you shoot someone after running them over and you can’t accidentally shoot someone like that. Whether I would have reduced it or lifted it after an appeal or talking to the person is a different story but I would ban for that. Don’t get it fucked up tho clay is spitting facts
  13. 07558964650dbb09f4f20a522f57f11a.png

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Believe it or not, 9x19 AP rounds pen straight through MAGA hats

  14. :peepoclown:

    1. Zakaloko


      @Panda smile why you permed me thinking I’m dripp dafuq 

    2. monster
    3. Drippp


      hey i see my name mentioned

      @Panda smile leave ppl alone kid i havent touched arma in months


  15. Do you play on a vpn or GeForce now
  16. Dude quits and is still here every single day. I guess Arma really is a drug I pray for your speedy recovery.
  17. This screenshot makes me physically hurt from the cringe.
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