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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. 22 cops on s2...

    1. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Soon to be 22 cops with .50 I hear. :blink:

  2. why is everything so highly pentalized in LoL. game crashed came back and played, won the game zero rewards and got put in low priority que for the next 5 games. 2/10 wouldnt recommend

  3. imagine how VR is gonna be in 10 years bro

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bow


      VR *map* Life coming to ArmA 4.

      First person only.

    3. DashTonic


      13 minutes ago, Bow said:

      VR *map* Life coming to ArmA 4.

      First person only.

      Play onward in VR 

    4. Bow


      I don't have a VR kit :( 

  4. no because we all played with the boy shut the fuck up you retarded dumb ass you know absolutely nothing the dude was a joy and dedicated alot of time to the community
  5. vrchat is an amazing game

    1. noah:)
    2. Ryan


      Can confirm. @Egnazio made a lot of uhh interesting friends there. 

  6. U HIGH FOR PAYING FOR SOMEthing you will loose in a day
  7. 1 MIL
  8. dude dont do 16 hours. you will litterally end up like the dudes in japan who die at work. my step father works 12s and its hard on him
  9. when boonie comes in the channel to just say fuck you :hmm:

    1. KrispyK


      love you too jesse

  10. i thinkie i will run 4 civ rep. bring back old gang life folks :thinking-face_1f914:

  11. i miss being able to rob vigis for tazers. the 20 stings i have are now useless fam

    1. doubleueyeceekay


      pass them off as tasers to the noobs, earn mega bucks

  12. playing some vrchat while i wait for the deliveries www.twitch.tv/chronowendigo

    1. KrispyK


      tho also fixing stream.. running alot worse with internet this semester for some reason.

  13. yooo what twitch chat can control your game in vermintide??? lit

  14. Did you just unironically call someone a soyboy
  15. heres hopin a fed goes today

    1. Ryan


      There’s a minimum of 1 fed a day. Will be on later 

  16. nigga who is paying tf
  17. apperently my nigga xlax has the same birthday as me.

    @Xlax happy birthday nerd

  18. whend you get unpermed?
  19. around 200k, hmu
  20. had a fun day coming out of retirement on the apd. +1 to everyone

  21. We should make a montage of all his videos or something
  22. i can say as someone who gets it alot, and came very close to doing it, the biggest cause is stress. it can just keep building until you are ready to explode. thats partly why i quit having an online presence for the past two months
  23. whats with all the rdmers in kavala today

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