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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. Ngl. Walking into hq with a Titan is alot more fun than suicide vest

  2. 1k
  3. oh the fun trying to get food on campus while there is a convention..

  4. Go back to asylum
  5. someone took the time out of their day to hack my twitter account. lmao. i recommend people change their passwords because somethings fishy. i havnt used that account in 4 months

  6. just wait till dashtonics income tax comes in, server gonna be paid for for 3 years

    1. Dangus




      It's funny cause it's probably true.

    2. DashTonic


      I got my W-2 just haven't file it yet about 15grand went in taxes hope I get some back

    3. KrispyK


      You wanna hit me up with 100$ b? I'll write you a python script it's ya boy krispy

  7. happy birthday cy6 rat @Hylos

  8. hmu if you want my escape from tarkov account and we can make a deal. (no ingame money)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      yo im down

      hmu with what u want

    3. proud


      it matters, what version u got?

    4. KrispyK


      @Lethals Loaded M A Y B E I F I C O U L D G E T A R E F U N D

  9. posted this before i left, i play GTARP now.
  10. when ya going 14 / 2 in siege but your next game has an ela main in it

  11. sold it to the market awhile ago, no one was buying it.
  12. il buy the 3 crat
  13. Read above Sold
  14. 1.4
  15. hit me up with offers. lowest il go is 500k.
  16. 700k
  17. hit me up, asking for anything close enough to shoot off of into square/cops coming
  18. so im not getting my full 2k in taxs due to money the people claiming me owe, so should i get a ps4 or xbox 1 s for the new monster hunter game?

  19. #bring back goat
  20. but what about apd cartel fights, they cartel fighters too
    1. Fyshie.


      if you're in college, tell your mom to suck your cock and buy it anyway. if she has an issue with it, punch her in her ugly mouth.


      jk dont

    2. KrispyK


      i might just get this hybrid that has 50 mpg for 3k 

  21. mopeds are legit
  22. @Matt The Savage happy birthday, was werid when i randomly saw you a few times in random rust servers

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