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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. then most definitly submit a player report to apd internal affairs
  2. are you sure they were sitting inside? this is most definitely NOT allowed. submit a report under 'support' and then 'apd internal affairs' and fill it out
  3. how close to red zone are they?
  4. so now that we only have offroads to shoot while moving, are we going to change the rules on PITing a car/tempest? (cop/civ)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J O E

      J O E

      Their  never used to be quilins so I don't see why your whinging 

    3. Chaos



    4. KrispyK


      What's whinging

      Completely forgot about the Jeep

      Also im not whining im just wondering what the balance changes will be for people who got stiff armed by the cartel monkeys


      @Stuuurrt if they aren't braindead then they will know how to drive but then again last week I yeeted cops on the same road for 30 minutes until a deputy vdmed my jeep

  5. someone post my peanutbutter face
  6. websites are treating my connection like its a bot, anyone know how to fix? i have to use a vpn on this computer to access some sites


    1. KrispyK


      its only my computer
      my phone and desktop are fine

  8. mom get the popcorn

  9. Mfw i go to remake Aurora and the name is taken even tho I disbanded it FBM

  10. we paid for it he doesnt get a choice
  11. is this man trying to make as many status updates as me

  12. so im averaging max 176 fps in a flat area but im getting freeze framing with full windowed, anyone have any ideas how to fix? iv heard internet can affect and my ping on olympus is showing as 1. was getting 30 down earlier

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KrispyK


      i figured as much, but hey. sometimes randos on forums know more than i

    3. Toasty


      Having arma 3 on an SSD helps with frame drops. 

    4. KrispyK


      sadly im on a laptop that my screwdriver doesnt fit with. i have to use an AHK to alt tab bc of a manufacturing issue with something around the keyboard.

  13. welp. PCS dying guess il be a laptop scrub now


  14. colege is wild just gor hoem from the party and a girl is just chilin in the elevsator wearin only a bra. 13 shots of vodka poggeras

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      Careful or you will be the next Kavanaugh

    3. Bloodmoon


      So this is what happens when a beta drinks.

    4. KrispyK


      i did infact sit in the corner like a good beta boy. the girl was ugly.

      my eye still is irritated from my friend spitting vinegar in my eyes after he thought it was vodka.

  15. its my job to be a retarded fuck.
  16. i use to play for off road chases. but hey. now we drive paper cars
  17. ....yall actually removing quilins, what cop was killed this time

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. monster


      feelsbadman, im to broke to afford ifrits cause they all get blown up by heckers ):

    3. Linka


      this mainly benefits cartel life imo

    4. KrispyK


      its a buff for people who cant shoot for shit. bc we cater to bad players now

  18. hows freshman year going remember when racism was against olympus rules
  19. It's called growing the fuck up
  20. KrispyK


    didnt kev buy that money
  21. so i made a discord bot, changed one line of code and accidently set the thing off to spam 1000 lines of text in 4 discords which i didnt even say the keyword in unknown.png

  22. if anyone wants to buy 180 days of sub (+ the 180 days mount) from blizzard for 50$ instead of 70 lemme know


  23. so where do people go now a days to sell steam accounts

  24. im buying a tiny server for testing scripts if any other dev wants to test shit out.

    (would run on my spare desktop but apartment doesnt let me host..)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Millennium
    3. KrispyK


      guess il wait for the next day ubereats gives me some moeny...yikes

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