Lots, theres arma servers dedicated to cqc, cartel fights, just go to the internet servers and search cqc, most maps on the cqc will be based on cartel locations and you can make your own loadout. glad to see people are getting back into cartel fights.
Lmao the answer you are looking for is simple. probably because he is a fucking idiot, just like you considering hes in your gang. haha.
dont call me out bitch i promise you dont wanna go there with me
Alright kid before you go slapping on the kneepads or outcast too hard, it shows why hes fucking banned in the message he gets when he trys to join the server ya dip.
and outcast is my nigga. no * necessary.
I mean its not just that, but you make a fourm account, probably knowing jack shit about the servers and come making god awful suggestions. please neck.
Kys fucking faggot just because you broke the rules and got banned doesn’t mean you should throw a fucking hissy fit. Just suck it up or get the fuck off the internet there’s no reason to bash someone just because you don’t agree with them.