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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. free @rp slayer, he did nothing wrong! just salty kids getting sprayed through reeds thats all, just calculated shots, a mere 5head can do this ez.
  2. N7Zero

    A queue

    in before VIP pass for queue $10 per month.
  3. bring back the handcuff sound in vehicles, i missed that shit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Haha I remember lining up for federal events and everyone would spam shift+7 and it was so aids.

    3. Elements


      @Ryan bring it back u fuckijng loser

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      1 hour ago, Dante said:

      When we Lowkey were DDOSSing the server 

      @Ryan I’m gonna need a swift and immediate perm here

  4. FYI double tap V in pilot seat kicks u out of orca.. would like a fucking warning sign next time. alt f4'd faster than trump sending missiles to iran.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Yeah I’m banning you for that one bucko

    3. N7Zero


      nanana pretty sure u could never eject from pilot seat. either way what fucking use is this feature anyways? which crackhead wanna jump out of a heli mid air?? just land the cunt and get out like the good o' days!

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      You could always do it on cop because of the eject option. Now it’s on civ aswell


    Stormzy - Still Very Disappointed 

  6. everyone make this malding egg play olympus


  7. they clearly do cuz if they sayin it aint VDM then it has to be RVD then right??? jessus ur a straight up nig-nog
  8. yeh ur straight up cooked, not just thinking VDM and RVD are same thing, but the fact u keep making random threads. quit it.
  9. VDM = Vehicle Death Match this is RVD not VDM.
  10. free my boy @rp slayer this man wasnt cheating!
  11. yeh thats wat i thought pussy ass. quit talkin shit or i deadass will eat u out.
  12. shut up @Kedar u fat faggot.
  13. Mr.Robot did a Raptor!


  14. Most underrated cop ever! all i can say is @Unjo made me rich oh yeh he also rooked a kid at jail spawn from jail rocks.. pretty fucking insane if u ask me.
  15. N7Zero


    long term, play server 1. arma 3 is a dead game and olympus gonna die along with server 3 and server 2 (in the future depending on if @Ryan gonna fuck up again ) so if u wanna invest in some houses then stay on S1 if ur here to clap some cheeks go server 2, lots of Tree rats and they are fucking ass CHEEKS like on another level.. @Orgondo what have u done with ur gang..
  16. new steam UI :kreygasm:

  17. Google chrome for Twitch's BTTV and Firefox if im doing assignments involving 20+ tabs (firefox more efficient on workload)
  18. Ban vans usage at Federal Reserve robberies, re-open original jump spots at crate jump, near telos tower, and gate 4 FINALLY!!!
  19. Quality guide! couldn't ask for more info!
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