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Everything posted by Ravin

  1. I don't usually do runs so id like to sell my 4 crater house its easy money just doing van or suv runs back in forth from factory to house post offers below
  2. What he said ^ lol
  3. Here it is on map really good house for frogs I just don't do runs anymore https://gyazo.com/ab188276d1e108ba87bd02fcaa4934d9
  4. Your welcome
  5. Can we get a notification when we unlock a new title 

  6. Can someone make it where I cant bet.... I lose so much money :((((

  7. WTB Kav rebel garage or small house s2

  8. People get on so I can rob your run :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DashTonic


      Work.exe is running

    3. Chaos


      Some people work nigga

    4. Airborne


      school.exe not responding

  9. Lost a 5 mil bet... 50% chance btw :(

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      The funny thing about RNG is it is RNG.  Hit up @Colt for a more in depth explanation.

    2. Colt


      Best advice dont fucking bet. Unless you got racks you dont care about you can win 14mil like me in 2 days and lose it all in 30mins to people like gary

    3. Ravin


      I will take your advice and stop betting @Colt XD


  10. I hate losing a 4.8 mil bounty to a mar10... @Strikke

    1. Strikke


      np m8, next time dont try to farm bounty by doing jail with 1 cop on :Kappa:




    2. hawk


      Ravin it sounds like you got R E K T

  11. o7 still didn't think you would get in trouble for that... wish you the best for what ever you end up going for!
  12. The best meme here you don't even have enough to pay one person https://gyazo.com/4b908e6a035240250b709ff08c290a8e
  13. Get Gud XD jk <3
  14. Enter
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