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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Unjo

    Selling Ghosthawk

    10 mil lmao
  2. Finally hit 1k hours on Arma 

  3. No, when they restrain you they use their telekinetic abilities to take them.
  4. got hit by the Unfortunately we have to decline your ticket at this time. There are several factors we look at when considering people for elevated roles within Olympus and at this time we have some concerns. 3x oof
  5. Reeee internet points
  6. 224
  7. Unjo

    .50 cal giveaway

  8. Yeah some guess prices
  9. Because there is war point weapons, attachments and even clothes, why not have vehicles? suggestion prices: 25 - Ifrit 35 - 50 cal truck 80 - Strider
  10. Got a mar 10 with a few mags
  11. Unjo


  12. Unjo

    Selling Ghosthawk

    Rigged reee
  13. You know we don't wear the vests on our head right? Aim for our heads
  14. Unjo

    WTB MX + Mags

    See title
  15. 21
  16. Space didnt you try rdming me yesterday lol
  17. 12 war points for 1 protector kill feels good man.

  18. So can a PO use an orca? m9000 would probably be insta shot down as recon
  19. @Biggs

    You coming back or what????

  20. Rest in peace revolution

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