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Everything posted by Mighty

  1. Events this morning were a blast! We did some skydiving and drag racing!


    @ Marcus  @ stayclaxxy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clashingtin


      I agree with dank on this one you can’t be using events to hide your spawned in money 

    3. SPBojo


      Did you make sure @ The Sovereign  was informed at least 30 minutes before this event was started to ensure fair play? 

    4. Skys


      when i get unbanned can i get a free tp to rebel i ran out mags while rdming nakeds

  2. We hit 100,000 disputes today.

    1: @ Zahzi

    100: @ PUG

    1000: SaltyClimax

    10,000: @ Kaderias

    100,000: @ NoMeansAnal

    1. Ricky Falzo

      Ricky Falzo

      Their all Petty comp Scammers!!!

    2. monster


      At least 50 of those are medics I rdm'd.

    3. Toretto


      Damn it's crazy how many disputes are created daily

  3. Congrats on Senior Developer @ Decimus  . Now we both can abuse!

  4. Bid starts at 1m
  5. My bad lol. I could have sworn I saw you say to lock it.
  6. Damn all the good birthdays are in march! Happy birthday @ JaydenB !!!

    1. JaydenB


      Very true Thank you ngl kinda had an aneurysm to your profile song while typing this response AHAHAHA


    2. Grizzly
  7. Mighty


    Originally the wiki team ( @Wiki Curator @Senior Wiki Curator) was tasked with creating detailed quest ideas that would then be assigned to a dev to implement. It was low priority compared to other things and eventually got forgotten. I always thought there was great potential with quests. Hopefully we can revive them again. Feel free to contact any of the wiki members with your suggestions.
  8. Ensure you have linked your steam and forums account to the stats page here: https://stats.olympus-entertainment.com/#/stats/top?stats=player.bank,gang.bank,player.war_kills Once that is complete it should automatically give you the money. However, feel free to make a compensation request here if you still don't have the money after a server restart. https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/
  9. Congrats on our new mods! @ Marcus  @ Rexo

  10. Still only going to get 20fps in kavala Nice build!
  11. @ codeYeTi best dev
  12. I used to be a huge razer fanboy several years back when I first got into pc gaming. However they have gone to shit. I have been interested in getting some desk speakers so let me know what you decide to get @Grandma Gary
  13. Happy birthday to my qt farm boy @ Decimus

  14. @ Chief of Geese as spoken. It has been put in motion.
  15. This ^^^ you gotta know where to place them xD
  16. Man’s is going to get his flock of geese and swarm ya. Geese can be scary
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