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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. Kinda confused on the meta one. Is sharing information in group or gang chat bannable now? I always thought it was like a radio channel so within RP, are gang discords or teamspeaks banned too?
  2. At midnight India will become a superpower, America shook rn

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. buckie


      Also take it to reddit 

    3. Unjo


      India, teenagers that know everything about pc software and hardware, but yet to discover a toilet s bend

  3. I have posted cringe and will lose subscriber.

    I will go commit sudoku to spare my family of the shane.

  4. I have a decent amount of games from humble bundle I don't ever plan on using from small indie titles to games like CoD WW2 with DLCs. Would there be any interest on a Christmas day giveaway where I throw out the claim links?

    1. snipeZ


      Prob, there would def be people who would appreciate a gift.

  5. Gang wars é pra otário, o Mengão perdeu pro liverpool hj e esses guri de apartamento só liga sobre essa porra de gang wars.

  6. Finally another roleplayer corp, I'm having a proud mom moment rn.

  7. Why tho? If we're getting technical there's nothing preventing us from scripting the black carrier lite down to be T2 or making the green or tan vest T2. Also the current color palette sucks and IMO the PO and uniforms are plain ugly. I've talked with design staff a bunch about this and new good looking designs are constantly shot down by a SAPD that hates change. If we're losing our vests that distinguish us and look cool because scripting is too hard I don't see why we shouldn't get some uniforms that do the same.
  8. You can say that but when staff hand out bans based on reports they're still interpreting the facts and giving out their opinions and while the rules say X when it's all said and done bans that aren't 100% cut and dry do come down to the moderator's discretion. If opinion wasn't a factor there wouldn't be a grey area thread for civ rules and ban appeals would be extremely rare, mods are like judges in the aspect that while they are bound to the rules the ruling itself may vary depending on who you get. Theoretically speaking support team members are highly knowledgeable on the rules and barring some requirements and reputation a good ST member could be thrown into a moderator role and do the job just fine. I don't see an issue with them giving opinions as long as they make sure the involved parties know they're nothing more than opinions.
  9. Armed planes had come along and were killing cops left and right, turns out t3 vests could withstand a great deal more armed plane shots but were almost indistinguishable on the ground e.g. 3 7.62 to kill instead of 2 so they were adopted. I was a cop when that change happened and there was tons of controversy around it then too, we survived with t2 vests in the past but I wish the SAPD were honest (traded corp vests for the mk18) instead of coming up with a half baked excuse (if t2 was bugged why did only corps get it?) I don't have too much of an issue with the nerfs except lethal split but I just with the current SAPD was honest with us about them.
  10. I'd take a downgrade for an all tan or tan and green uniform, there are tan and green vests and IMO it would still keep Corporal distinctive enough from POs.
  11. As you can see by the changelogs and round tables in the past whenever APD nerfs come around the only people who get routinely shafted are junior APD while seniors get more with no major nerfs. They're the ones who go to the negotiating table, so, when civ council brings up big nerfs in exchange for them getting new toys they don't think twice because they have no skin in the game. They can throw us under the bus all day because the changes never affect them negatively. The only way to fix this would be to unionize the Jr APD and demand a seat at the table with strikes or slowdowns as a consequence. but alas this is just a video game, we're all expendable in the eyes of the seniors if we stir up trouble, and the SAPD won't stop looking out for themselves and begin looking after their people unless they're forced into it. Which will never happen.
  12. I'm very glad to hear that, if the forums and civ council releases were the only thing to go off of it would seem they hate each other, a decent amount of Jr APD I've interacted with believe the council wants to effectively end the PD and I'm happy to hear that's not the truth. Arma 3 is 6 years old and at this rate I'm not sure the server can survive the next 3 or so years to hold on until A4 and still be competitive, even if it's behind the scenes it's good to know that the server isn't eating itself.
  13. I believed the paycuts that would slash deputy earnings by 50% and Corporal ones by 30% had been implemented. In light of these findings I am strongly in favour of simultaneously reducing lethal money and enacting paycuts across the board, but I still believe those measures will only be a bandaid and for a permanent fix the Civ Council and Sr APD must put aside their differences and work in good faith to reach a permanent solution equitable to both parties.
  14. The statistics are for unique players, not total times people logged in, and people who play cop also play civ. But just for shits n giggles I subtracted the number of cops in the last 60 from the total and got a ratio of 59.808/1 if you don't count the people who have whitelists but don't show up on the sheets. If you count them it sits at 40/1 and if that 10 player gap is too big you could always rip those whitelists and require them to meet times for their whitelists or stay at a rank equivalent to the times they put in. Any way you cut it the idea that the server's decline is solely based off of the APD is rooted in emotion and hearsay instead of facts, and the current paradigm adopted by the civilian leadership is one that vilifies the APD and alienates them from a discussion on the issue, I don't disagree the APD may very well be a factor in the apparent decline of civ life. But it's a problem bigger than one faction and one that needs to account for BI, other servers, Olympus's culture and many other factors. If the civilian leadership and APD aren't able to put aside their differences and quid pro quo mentality to make an equitable solution that works for both parties then we won't be able to make a good plan to tackle the issue until it's almost too late.
  15. Let's just get rid of free Sr and Chief whitelists for everyone and make them actually earn their ranks, easy fix.
  16. From some quick pocket math the APD has around 180 cops and there have been 11k players in the last 60 days, the current cop/civ ratio is sitting around 1/59 which isn't too bad and if the entire APD chose to take over all the servers they wouldn't be able to fill both completely. I get the frustration civs feel but on the other hand I don't think this problem is completely the APDs fault. Cops have taken a decent amount of paycuts over the last 12 months and while this is based off my experience and won't reflect all cops my total per hour earnings on cop are actually below what I could earn playing civ or medic. If you want to buff player numbers clean the servers up, lately there's been a big influx of European gangs breaking rules and playing in big groups, while the payouts for legal and illegal runs haven't risen to meet inflation. The lower APD ranks are transient making closing apps not viable either. Paycuts are a possible solution but you need to account for the toxicity and bullshit cops face routinely and not make it so low there's no more incentive to play. This issue is an extremely complex one with basis in all factions and outside factors and you can't boil it down to being solely the APDs fault, while the APD may be a culprit the current paradigm blames them completely and creates an adversarial relationship between SAPD and Civ council which makes the cooperation necessary to make a compromise that helps the server almost impossible.
  17. Can an Sr APD person please explain the allure of making tasers spangle? It seems like one of those things that would inadvertently kill a lot of civilians and make fights in places like hospital rocks, buildings and near water absolutely terrible. The variation of that script I've seen incapacitated only for 5 seconds and unless every cop has lethal force on hand for situations where a 5 second spangle taser isn't viable it's just aids. This just seems like one of those things someone said "Hey that looks cool, let's try it" without considering it it's even necessary.
  18. I don't know how much of a thing this is outside of the U.S. but most American Olympians will know that October is breast cancer awareness month. Since this server regularly exceeds the donation goal I think that maybe a good goal would be to take the excess of donations for October and donate them to a breast cancer charity, I think knowing that donations are going to a good cause on top of the usual rewards would be a pretty good motivator for those on the fence and in the October update or hot-fix we could include some breast cancer awareness skins to all the factions as an extra pick me up (google the pink patch/badge project) Some facts Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women and men worldwide In 2012 breast cancer represented 12% of all new cancer diagnoses and made up 25% of female cancer cases Men can get breast cancer too and routine self screening is recommended for all individuals with risk factors and women over 40 In the U.S. a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every two minutes Due to advances in treatments, screening and awareness the mortality for breast cancer sits at 2.6%, but it still claims around 45,000 lives a year Some Charities Breast Cancer Research Foundation The BCRF was founded in 1992, they invented the original pink ribbon campaign and currently they send 88% of their funds to aid in breast cancer research and 3% to awareness projects Living Beyond Breast Cancer LBBC was founded by a radiation oncologist in 1991, while their original mission was to support women after treatment today the charity helps patients and survivors of both genders in the process of diagnoses, treatment, and recovery, this charity is also unique because they have resources and projects geared towards helping the caretakers, family members and doctors of those they help currently 84% of their funding goes to those programs. National Breast Cancer Foundation They're fairly similar to the other charities in the aspects of funding research, but what sets them apart is their awareness and prevention campaigns, on top of agressively pushing awareness the NBCF also specializes in providing free or low cost screenings, checkups and mammograms to women who would not be able to access those measures otherwise. Metavivor This one is fairly grim as they primarily deal with metastatic and terminal cases of breast cancer, Metavivor spends 90% of it's funds on their projects ranging from research grants to find more cures for metastatic breast cancer, they create awareness for the research and support of terminal breast cancer and they provide emotional support and other mental health resources to these patients, while metastatic breast cancer is very morbid it's wide reaching, approximately 30% of all patients will develop metastatic breast cancer and it makes up 6% of all initial diagnoses. This topic hits close to home for me, in 2016 my mother was diagnosed with an aggressive form of stage 3 breast cancer, it took over a year for her to beat it and last year she became 100% cancer free, but I can attest that the damage of the treatments and the strain was extremely challenging for my family and if it weren't for her awesome team of doctors, nurses, friends and helpers it would've been much much harder. We were lucky to have access to some of the best medical care in the world and have the resources where her illness became priority number 1, but sadly not all patients, families and survivors have access to things like this making an uphill climb look like Everest, and these charities absolutely help reduce those stresses and save lives. Whether or not @Ryan chooses to do this I would highly recommend looking into one of these charities or one closer to you and helping out somehow, chances are if you have a woman in your life you care about be it your mother, girlfriend or sister she will probably be affected by this disease at one point, I think this could be a great way to "redeem" the server from the developments of September but most importantly with a community this big and the amount of revenue donations bring in it could cause a lot of good.
  19. Do the 2 failed attempts revert to the two individual deaths rule or does every lethal need to die twice irregardless of wave?
  20. ETA on Ryan deleting this due to "cancer"?
  21. FA was pretty stupid too, but yeah, nothing will come close to the lymphoma that was KS.
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