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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. DoNt D0 Il3gUl RuNz If yOu WanT tO LiVe.
  2. Congrats dude, when is she gonna start her internship with the APD?
  3. I'm currently on vacation spending a month in the Netherlands and I brought my laptop, mouse and headset but on the first day here the bag with my headset and mouse was stolen along with a few irreplaceable things. Since It looks like the bag won't get found or returned I need some suggestions for a good headset or pair of headphones, my old headset was a logitech worth around 130 USD so I'm looking for something at a similar price range, a mic is preferred but not required and it can be USB or a normal 35mm connection. I mainly want durability and a good audio quality for surround and footsteps etc. I'm just rebuying my mouse since it was cheap and I absolutely loved it but I'd like some suggestions on headphones or a headset, also my parents want to buy it at a brick and mortar type place so I'm looking for something below 120 EUR and not too hard to find at a normal tech store.
  4. Spotify and YouTube, I have an aux cord hooked up from my phone to my headset so tabbing to change songs isn't an issue for me but spotify has better overall sound quality. I use spotify to listen to most of music and more mainstream artists like migos or gravy but I'll switch over to YouTube for more obscure artists or bands like Tool that refuse to put content online. I also like youtube's recommendations a bit better than spotify's and I wish that it would allow you to remove items from your recently played without using private mode.
  5. Yeah that's on you, most missionnfiles have a bunch of things that function similarly to mods so you'll need the standard modding tools for access, also if you don't know a lot about modding don't go this route as you probably won't know what to look for and some content creators disguise scripts so their harder to steal.
  6. There should be a copy of the Olympus mission file on your PC, if you can play that as a scenario you would be able to practice tiered flying in peace or if you want to practice with friends you could make a locked server for cartel practice and whatever side thats how most cartel players practice.
  7. My guy are your tags fucked or did you join the cic council and APD?

  8. I confused you for unjo SP, Unjo is now a broke bitch
  9. With his donation tier I'm surprised he doesn't have infinite money at this point.
  10. Send an engagement text and if you kill someone who's untagged ur getting a vacation after 20 minutes in support. If you ask me it's more realistic training for the Olympus fights, just need to add retarded cops and screaming kids for that good training.
  11. Only way that would fly is if their illegal like rebel hunters. Vigis are not public safety officials and shouldn't have access to legal armored vehicles no other civ faction has access to.
  12. At the end of the day this is positive either way. If Asylum steps up their game and can actually compete against Olympus our server is forced to get better content, staff and rules which makes Olympus more fun. If it fails Olympus is unscathed and turns into a no harm no foul situation.
  13. Big if true. Deadass if the Olympus admins let that happen and got played +1 respect to Asylum for being able to do it. Asylum coming back and being powerful is a good thing imo, I love Olympus but some of the rules and procedures here are ass backwards and we went from moderate-light RP to wasteland with cops. If Asylum does make a comeback with the ability to actually compete with Olympus it'll just force Olympus to adapt and become better feature, rp, community or rule wise. We were getting complacent so competition is great
  14. We restrict where police officers can go due to their ranks and how long ago someone else was there. Rebels and cartels are supposed to be the safe place for rebels to do their thing, vigis shouldn't be able to tase people in a no engament are made for rebels unless for extenuating circumstances. I would be ok with something added to the vigi rules saying "vigilantes are not to enter warzone or rebel outposts unless they have chased someone inside, vigis may not return after the subject leaves"
  15. "ThE FIrE DePArTmnEnt is ToO MiLItaRizeD" My old dept bought wanted to get something armored and actually did get a 6 wheel amphibious ATV despite our town having one shallow river, no offloading trails and 2 tiny lakes because the neighborhood town (3x our size) got one, but for my first few months I wore a helmet with a huge crack labeled "not safe" and expired gear because "budget". I'm weary of new toys.
  16. Thankful for @21Cabbage
  17. Great concept, horrible execution. Kinda sad to see it go tbh, seemed like it would've been fun if it actually worked.
  18. I think it depends, if it's a residential situation I'd rather burn tbh, in firefighting training we were told that if our masks came off while in an involved structure we could pass out in less than 2 minutes due to the lack of oxygen, you'll pass out quickly and die slowly but never know. My best friend in that dept told me that if he was trapped he would take his SCBA off, if you die passed out you don't care and if you survive a flashover your quality of life will make you wish you died.
  19. I know that, there are textured vests because the project was for a modded server, but the clothes are all vanilla.
  20. I would do all that, but since I just found out that my last project was never approved and I just made 15 textures for no reason. consider this my submission. https://imgur.com/gallery/CPOfXEE
  21. I do texture and design work as a freelancer. I'll see what I can do but the size may make it hard to make it look good in game.
  22. How much you guys wanna bet the donator berets got removed due to salty corps?
  23. If I could I would.
  24. Probably not, since I've moved to Brazil my life has become an absolute shitshow I'm just tryna thank you guys for being one of the only good things in my life.
  25. I have nothing to live for lowkey, fucking bet
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