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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. SCP-049, he's a big ol cutie pie.
  2. Borderlands 3, still haven't beat the campaign and I already have 70 hours. I don't mind the art style but I've met some that loathe it, a big plus of it is that the games age better than most due to an "illustrated style", all the games are great.
  3. Also happy birthday @Monks, I'm sure your friends will love your transformers party.

    1. Monks


      No cap its pretty sad but I literally have 1 friend coming over so its just me, my siblings, and the homie. 💀

  4. Last night I decided to take a nap, I just woke up at like 8 in normal clothes.

  5. Once the Bomos caliphate seizes power infidels like you will be banned, Inshallah
  6. The passenger seat is a great alternative to loading lethals RnR vehicles Learn the difference between the sirens, dumbass Or You'll still get shot at for running lights and sirens
  7. Gambling is very haram, just as much as moonshine and Kavala prostitutes!!! When Bomos amry capture Olympus, will you remove these haram things from server?
  8. Bomos grows by the day, Inshallah the glorious caliphate will one day control all the lands of Olympus.
  9. Map designer just need to stack houses like apartment buildings or build some suburbs.
  10. Deadass it's the reason I let my medic WL expire. First time I got medic it was boring but used to make bank, when I came back I was paying out my ass for helis but making barely anything. The only way to make decent money on Medic now is either sit in Kav during peak times or get kidnapped for a fed/BW. Medic shouldn't be a money printer but currently you make more as a Kav scat deputy then as a flight medic.
  11. Hbd to the beefy cheefy @ThatNerdyGuy, got you some beans as a present.

  12. It's a Corporal whitelist with 7.62 and an armored vehicle, can I get what you're smoking fam?
  13. IDK where I stand on this rule change because I can see both sides and both have some great arguments, But currently 45 people hold whitelists that give them T-5 vests and 60 have access to MAR-10s, no shit there are more corporals with access to T3 vests and 7.62 then active corporals. Yes, they're not all active, but it's more than 20 people when just retired SAPD (glorified corp WL) outnumber actual corporals.
  14. Damn. that sucks bro. One of the good staff members gone. Now without the access to server 3 the APD will never get a recruitment video as fire as what you could make.
  15. I only drink Gfuel, water is for pussies.
  16. Anyone else hyped for Chapelle's Show coming to Netflix?

  17. Gz to the homeboy @Headless , now we don't need 3 deputies to raid rebel.


  18. Make a bank that's not aids to fight
  19. O7 @SystemChips , this was unexpected but I hope you enjoy the retired life. 

  20. The Bomos army is ready for war


    General @Mudiwa will lead us to victory

  21. Now that I'm in college in a major which cross samples a lot of subjects I've absolutely fallen in love with my law classes. I always thought of law school as something I wanted to do but wasn't 100% on if it's the right choice. But getting to actually study it in-depth and exploring/ discussing the whole process of legislating and deciding legality has convinced me that getting my JD is the right path.
  22. AMD doesn't play well with ArmA 3 for some reason. If/when A4 comes out I'm getting an AMD for my next CPU upgrade.
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