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Status Replies posted by thor

  1. happy birthday little guy and the best fto @ thor

    1. thor


      Thank you little man

  2. Happy birthday @ thor  >_<

    1. thor


      Thanks pookie >.<

  3. I got to thinking earlier about ARMA 4 and when it is released if Oly is going to be moving over there or staying on ARMA 3.  I've heard some conflicting information regarding this subject.  who thinks we should go to ARMA 4 and who thinks it should stay on 3?

    I personally don't think we should go to ARMA 4 right out the gate. Unless there is an ease of integration for what we're used to (I don't see that being possible)


    1. thor


      Ye stay on arma 3, an already dying game before arma 4 is even out. good one :4head:

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. You were right.  We do need to collab.  

  5. YOsLY6A.jpeg

    the cutest apd checkpoint ever :3 - clash

    @ Clashingtin @ thor @ Olsson @ nicole

  6. need keyboard and mouse what do i get (tenkeyless keyboard pls)

  7. Belal Muhammad champ. 

    Shut down the UFC.


  8. let's do an illegal run to earn some money



  9. Apologies for the delay in giveaway winner results. Will get them out to you by Wednesday the latest 🙂 

  10. gang wars??

    1. thor


      summer gang wars let’s get it going

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. i feel attacked


    1. thor


      icl having 6 cops all standing outside just puts a marker on his head for it to happen

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  12. i feel attacked


    1. thor



      We are a force to be reckoned with

      top 10 gamer moments

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  13. @Diamond_drop when is the last time u took a shower

  14. @Diamond_drop when is the last time u took a shower

    1. thor


      @ThatNerdyGuyi don’t even know why you’re commenting about the situation tbf, you clearly have no actual understanding of what went on so probably best to stay out of it if I’m honest

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. @Diamond_drop when is the last time u took a shower

    1. thor


      @ThatNerdyGuynot trolling tho were we, would’ve never happened if he didn’t decide to abuse his tags and start spam moving me in TeamSpeak and out of cop channel's as a PO

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. 10. fucking. hours. to have our 3-0 robbed because the people running/making this shit are basically clueless, good event.

  17. Who do you guys think is winning this election and why?

  18. Im not thor, if I o7 im not coming back lol love you @thor

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