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Everything posted by -sam

  1. @reign gets tss same day as bytec wave 😞 sit dog aha x

    1. Truthy


      Gucci really thought he was getting away from matrin

    2. thomaslorddd
  2. Tell em woo
  3. still waiting for u to grow the balls to come vc
  4. nah but ay, how hard did u suck his cock to let u host this shite event?
  5. didnt plan to, already knew u retards had to make it a time we cant play since u and ur shit gang cant compete
  6. cringe
  7. 😠 cheaters 😠 

    1. Elements


      making the dahmers look too good plz turn the down a notch sir

  8. -sam

    o7 gents

  9. -sam

    o7 gents

    I beg u edit this post my pc is good now nigga
  10. s3 would be nice

  11. hotfix the bug where u can get killed at the start of s3 and run this shit daily its meth

  12. Give panda head admin right now u apes

  13. get this noah kid back in staff so support cases actually get done

    1. Millennium


      support cases? or player reports/ban appeals?

    2. silton


      @Millennium under the SUPPORT tab?

    3. Millennium


      I mean TS support cases, or support tab lmao. and ok

  14. 0c2.jpg

    arma 3 detective after succesfully taking down somali software solutions

  15. -sam

    WTS zafir + dms

  16. zaf 5m dms 3m pm me
  17. i think u need to get ur pc baptised
  18. olympus welcomes you with open arms, great art btw
  19. eta adidas tracksuits

    1. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Technically the tracksuit texture map is encrypted.

      You can find it out there, and I have a texture map of it but I doubt it's a priority.

    2. Masonn


      I'll see what i can come up with when i get a chance

  20. conquest on s3 xx

  21. -sam


    Good riddance.
  22. 263017af8ecd4f539965c4940d815c51.jpg

    @Whitee ix victim

    1. buckie


      Lemme be the executioner 

    2. billdroid


      Excuse me, I’ll take it from here

    3. Elements
  23. -sam

    Hoes mad

    @Gandhi hunt me too u fat pig
  24. 20k @Scold
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