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Everything posted by 1thedoc

  1. how much does a DMS scope go for 

    1. Kamikaze
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      A good enough suck and fuck 

  2. o7
  3. 1thedoc


    o7 man I'm going to miss you
  4. it's not something we have in the UK but happy Thanksgiving all 

  5. did some one say free money put me in
  6. RIP @SecTranLive
  7. #CreepyByChristmas

  8. help I broke the game really badly 


  9. o7 man I will miss you
  10. communism on paper is sexy but it doesn't work like that
  11. @Slumberjack you sexy man congrats 

  12. @Mason Harrison  you a big boy now 

    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      ohh hell yea i am 😄 thank you !

  13. jokes on you I want you to fuck me
  14. @Main you did a thing can I have a kiss now 

    1. Main


      Ty, will clip your screams in my montage 

  15. is this how baby houses are made


    1. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      You’re too young for this doc

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