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Everything posted by 1thedoc

  1. I am going to win this quit while you're ahead
  2. at this rate no one is going to get it
  3. I don't have a life I am going to win this
  4. I have tried it but it never works for me thanks I will look in to that thats what I am doing now cut down from 40 to 30 a day now
  5. so I've been trying to quit smoking but haven't got ever far so I was wondering if any of you guys have and if so how
  6. the fucking timing 


    1. Canadian


      viet cong soldier roleplay...

  7. hacker server 1


    1. swrvy


      Hey you sound like the kind of guy who doesn’t mind me talking about how much pussy I eat. So check it out, I eat more pussy than a coyote let loose in the suburbs. I eat pussy more than your wife thinks about throwing away her ring. I eat so much pussy that Matt Damon’s about to do a documentary about pussy disappearing across the globe at an alarming rate because I ate it all. I visited Japan back in the 80’s and they invented pac-man after they saw me eating pussy up and down the street. Then I got some revealing emails from this pod of dolphins and I stopped visiting Japan after that. Long story short I eat more pussy than the incinerator at a PETA kill shelter and your post made my dick softer than a white dude’s prison sentence.

  8. @SPBojo it's 11:40AM and I have been up all night playing cop I didn't even think about making it on the forums
  9. https://linkto.run/p/AJ5RZ3PN
  10. I am going to start streaming alot more njow I fixed my shit 


  11. I got PO back LET"S GOOOOO!!!!!!!

  12. ok so if this works I will be streaming more 



  13. as much I love discord I don't think it would work for what olympus is and the needs of olympus work better with TS
  14. I had a civ come over to me with one and asked if I could seize it apparently someone was running around dropping them but that was some time ago now
  15. II don't think that's what it should look like https://gyazo.com/485fe08cda9bc99e76c88d9a1b0e6577

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DashTonic


      what does it say i cant read it


    3. 1thedoc


      it says tnkrmueeltzqloq of 250 

    4. ikiled


      It is a very minor glitch, it is supposed to say "total"

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