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d a k o t a

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Everything posted by d a k o t a

  1. I already did, it got denied. They got the comp first.
  2. The whole reason why i made a comp request was because my HEMMET Box blew up after i got killed in it, I had multiple gang mates around me and after i died, they ended up killing the people that killled me. But in the end the HEMMET full of moonshine blew up. Kinda salty that they got their ticket looked at first and mine last. I did kinda fuck up and post the wrong video the first time so i had to make a WHOLE new ticket just for it to be looked at again a whole day later. https://plays.tv/video/5c5f3cad291ec0202e/hemmet-box This is the video of anyone wants to see it
  3. Happy Birthday @MAV
    Thanks for unbanning @Ba$tro

  4. Im not taking sides, and i dont know the full story pretty much but im just saying. He didnt really "Dox" nerdy. (As far as i know he only put nerdys face as an avatar.) Yeah its harassment, putting someones face as your avatar without their consent, and them knowing and not wanting it there. (I might end up taking my avatar off after this so i dont get in trouble/banned) Does he deserve a 14 day for this, i dont think it should be that long, but making fun of a sAPD, Make his blacklist longer or something.
  5. That makes sense, i still dont believe he should be banned, but also shouldnt be let off free. But thats me. You DO put your face out there and such, but if you asked for him to take it off. Then its a problem
  6. I guess some people dont like people making fun of them. I wouldnt want someone to have my face as their avatar but i wouldnt want them to get banned. Thats if i did put my face out there and had it on multiple videos and shit.
  7. I live in EST, says closes at 4am EST. its 2 am EST rn
  8. Says 4 but goes down at 2. I feel like i got cheated
  9. Shaking my damn head.
  10. Buff turtles please. i want to do turtles but its shite
  11. I have a 4 crater closer to weed pro on server 3. And i robbed alot of people there and never done a weed run in my life.
  12. I have lethal. I can buy mags as well. 70k per mag
  13. You're not allowed to leave
  14. Im so fucking ready for this shit
  15. I got a boy who can do 650k BW T5, and 800k for one that was robbed from outkast. https://gyazo.com/158d5c061bbbd2c53bec4b2d6a0afbab
  16. We might end up needing some more staff then since if its gonna be whitelisted its gonna have more active playerbase and more RP.
  17. Whos Lion? Oh that guy who based his name off of Tiger
  18. Probably the only Sargent that i thought was cool and didnt seem toxic or i believed was toxic because of what other people said.
  19. It was kinda a bummer that some people couldnt call off work and such before hand because it was on such sort notice.
  20. Rules were set, as far as im concerned we weren't breaking any rules.
  21. Wait Tree was there?
  22. Really hope the APD money thing is not abused,
  23. Might be pretty hard to know how much money is comped. Maybe Some extra warpoints to the players as well? Or based on kill wise the players get personal money or warpoints.
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