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Dank MeeMoo

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Everything posted by Dank MeeMoo

  1. it exists in arma but not the server I think
  2. People will do anything in their power to stop you from processing and if all it takes to avoid this it to take you to a little abandoned shack and process you there I don’t see why that’s so bad.
  3. If staff scammed someone I would absolutely want them removed they’re meant to be trusted members of the community.
  4. everybody has responsibilities and with two people not on loa it really does slow it down to a crawl. Now I don’t know the workload irl or involving the server but would it be a stretch to suggest senior admins do comp requests aswell especially when short on staff?
  5. Once told that it is only your opinion and you are NOT a staff member most people realize that it can be over turned. I feel like the main issue with people taking supports word as law is they believe they are staff. Only Ryan knows all of the rules and grey areas so it would be smart to only give your opinion when you are confident in your answer and know all of the details. Overall supports knowledge level varies so greatly that it isn’t the worst idea to only allow specific people to give opinions.
  6. Chrome just straight up doesn’t work on my computer no pages load unless I launch some other internet required task at the same time to force load it? So I have to use Firefox
  7. If you want a different kind of license, like vigi or rebel you can go buy them and it will automatically replace it.
  8. o7 man had a blast playing with you
  9. Yeah there is definitely a big difference with someone going out of their way to abuse this and people naturally reacting to shooting somebody. There are times where people will glitch out of towers and I instantly think they’re jumping out so I pipe them but no it’s just arma being arma so is it really justified to ban for that?
  10. So if someone is in a tower and they’re entire body glitches out while floating can I kill them or not?
  11. You can lethal with vigi stings the color thing isn’t something stopping them it seems but it certainly confuses players and makes it so you don’t actually know what is gonna happen when you get shot.
  12. Happy birthday @Millennium you’re thic as hell. Happy birthday my son @Brolaf

    1. Millennium


      you forgot the other c. but ty ❤️

    2. Brolaf


      Thanks Dank PeePoo

  13. Some people might rdm you instantly but let’s be real the majority won’t, also you don’t have to record just hit a button to save the last ten minutes with either shadow play or playstv or some others. You say you can tell when someone driving in is friendly or not and that’s just not true sometimes their actions can’t give you a good idea but just “driving fast” isn’t a good enough reason to automatically assume they will1. Try to rdm you. And 2. Are even hostile in the first place.
  14. Why should someone with infinite money be transferring large amounts to his friends. If he’s selling it or not do you not think that is incredibly suspicious? To me either he is selling that money or freely giving out infinite money to people.
  15. No thanks I’d rather not allow one way engagement for no good reason. If you see a car zooming towards you get in a good position and send them a text.
  16. Imagine thinking that giving someone senior admin was worth losing half your staff and someone that is easily a much better pick @MAV . I don't know what went down in that channel but if any of you o7 lads wanna share I think we're all curious what was said and how it went down. Everyone knew what was at stake here and you decided to shoot yourself in the foot rather than fix it.
  17. Imagine taking down a post that doesn't make you look good lmao 

  18. I like rapid’s response aswell
  19. Just say hands up or die? You don’t have to give them a reason why you wanna kill them.
  20. So a new gun's been added that doesn't do damage. You can shoot at people while they drive past you, shoot right at their head, and shoot at their heli all while they probably won't be able to tell the difference because it just got added. AND it isn't engagement?? This is such blatant baiting to rip ranks. Not to mention it makes the glass breaking sound so you think you're getting shot at from far away but you can't actually know because "MAYBE FLARE GUN". How is this a good idea?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Noahhh!


      This might just be me, but the sound of a flare gun is pretty distinctive. I get what you mean though. Can be misleading for sure.

    3. Unjo


      If I shoot something with a flare gun I would 100% expect to get clapped back. 

    4. Strikke


      Just go around shooting at EVERYONE and then get them banned because it doesn't engage :) 10/10

  21. You broke a rule and got banned for it. Staff have lives and do more than just bans and ban appeals so you can’t expect them to get to you instantly it’s just not realistic.
  22. To me the last resort thing is running the person over if you have absolutely no other option and keep driving without looking back. When you stop and get out to shoot him it kinda means it wasn’t a last resort and you just used it to your advantage
  23. I want the horn the admins get
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