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Senior Civilian Council
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monster last won the day on February 28

monster had the most liked content!

About monster

Senior Feds Civilian Council
Senior SWAT
APD Officer
  • Birthday 12/28/2003

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  • Olympus Gang
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    The Support Section of the Forums making a Ban Appeal

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  1. it's an ACTF spring

    1. sweater


      I'm literally going for captain..........

    2. Lea
  2. FYsaXC4.jpeg

    @ CaloomClark good shit gang

    1. Saul Goodman

      Saul Goodman

      homies got that mega wide fucker monitor 

    2. silton


      AEGIS mentality followed him to cop. Horrible to see

    3. nman


      hi monster

  3. he would never
  4. I can't believe someone did that to you... @ Kyle @ Olsson
  5. I didn't watch the video but from what I've been told you think I cheated because I can't purchase the DLCs on steam, you're wrong, my account is restricted for excessive chargebacks from back in 2018 which restricts me from making any purchases on steam, I simply didn't care to find where you said it and respond, also whether or not you believe I cheated has 0 affect on me.
  6. While Bojo was head he didn't require us to put ideas on the sheets so long as we participated elsewhere (Roundtables/Discord), so most (all) of fed council didn't use the sheets, but we all still actively discussed and brought up changes in our private gc. Granted some of it is just waffle, a good amount of it is genuine suggestions/feedback on other members ideas.
  7. will pay more
  8. my large friend ben- is actually rank 4, he just doesn't like to flex so he stays at 2.
  9. I am once again asking for a 9.3 suppressor
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