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Geralt of Rivia

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Everything posted by Geralt of Rivia

  1. Did.... did you just.... i- I'm speechless.
  2. Ya'll keep changing the TS icons everyday. TBH ya'll should just change em' all. They can use an update. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      @Zahzi I see. They look pretty good!

    3. Zahzi


      @TheoryB has been working on them

    4. Theory


      blyat :feelsrunning: :feelsrunning: :feelsrunning: :feelsrunning: 


  4. So many people want @GoodDustin to get Corporal, but I think he should be a Sergeant. 

  5. Nice opinion. Just one, tiny problem with it: inspecting your post, it looks like your opinion is different from mine. Let me tell you something: I am the baseline for opinions. Any opinion I hold is objectively correct, and, as a result, any other opinions are wrong.
  6. I don’t get tickets from the forums. Clearly, I was joking. There’s no way you didn’t know how to clear your search history. EDIT: Ah, it seems I can submit tickets from the forums. Wasn't going too anyway.
  7. On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click More . Click History > History. On the left, click Clear browsing data. A box will appear. From the drop-down menu, select how much history you want to delete. To clear everything, select All time. Check the boxes for the info you want Chrome to clear, including “browsing history." Learn more about the types of browsing data you can delete Click Clear data.
  8. @Grandma Gary
  9. @destruct bro do you wanna like delete ur entire existence off social media with me and like move to a cottage up north bro, we could b in the woods and shit and maybe have a few goats idk bro, we could just chill and read and sit in silence while appreciating nature bro

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DeadPool


      dude he wont even go to disney with me like fuck you destruct and @Hylos

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Chiefs fans literally can’t hear these clowns

    4. Horizon


      @DeadPool i live next to disney come chill 

  10. I never thought I'd hear a song better than Stairway to Heaven. I guess I was right.
  11. I don't like this. Regardless, thanks for sharing.
  12. What you think the lesson is: No matter how bad your day gets keep spreading positive vibes and it will get better. The real lesson: Don't trust strangers on the internet.
  13. *banned
  14. @ShoTime Congrats on the engagement!!! 

  15. I don't like this. Regardless, thanks for sharing.
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