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Everything posted by mohsen98

  1. change it to the ability to windows key on a guy without a gun and restrain him and escort @Tyrone
  2. Add the ability to windows key on a guy with your gun on your back and restrain him and escortn not bad
  3. See what i found :P

  4. Civ can check registration of vehicles is bull shit and we all hate that remove it
  5. bc vigis use it and if im wanted they put Tracker on my car and ......
  6. Civilians with a driver's license can now check registration of other vehicles way Civilians have access to this?
  7. All armor tier 3 and lower helmets at rebel shop added to vigilante shop im vigi And I say this is useless and bull sheet Vigilante SPAR now costs 100k instead of 30k and The You think this can stop us ? oh, wait they fix The Tasing Scrip fuck this update why every update nerfing vigis ?
  8. allowing vigis to buy epis at vigiout post The worst civilian council I've ever seen dismissal them from the civilian council they are so useless
  9. wtf ?????
  10. 75 rank 4 1 robbery=lose license and gun=100k only reason is They want to reduce number but they just eat a dick
  11. Spar 16 price being increased to 100k All Tier 1 - 3 helmets added to vigi bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit bull shit
  12. just a noob _l_
  13. Salvage nerf: SDV base storage to be reduced to 80 bull sheet bull sheet
  14. vigilante rank 5 for quadbike skin
  15. nice
  16. Cartels -Scats NICE and vigis TRASH ideas _l_
  17. i Have questions You do not think this punishment is cruel ?
  18. im never say that .when you send text we died and Everyone thinking we get titan maybe thay say but not me
  19. yah i get ban and they take 6.5 mill from my acc and blacklist me from apd
  20. so someone gets ban lose rank and lose 6.5mill for this they shoot heli engine when heli get damage and crash .ryan ask 6.5 mill for unprocess weed and heli
  21. So does both vigis get the arrest????
  22. Discord is best and ts is shit
  23. Hotfix shit vigilante fuckedup
  24. hay anishtain gj by shiting on vigilantes so vigilante rank 3 for 75 Arrests Without nothing new

    Were you abused by vigis ?

    this is gift for you you can sita-really-big-wrench-1488546954.jpg on it

    1. KrispyK


      get fucked retard. this man is the biggest vigi on the server

    2. Robinhood
  25. One of the reasons I'm playing in this server is vigilantes
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