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Everything posted by Dab

  1. RP get your mom on the phone

  2. '14 Alpina B7 SWB with a fat booty bitch to match https://streamable.com/3yro0
  3. +1 for Louis / Gucci / Burberry
  4. ETA on spawning in WZ.. make warzone great again..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vcx


      That would be the dumbest thing I've ever heard, too many people roaching more than there already is then and once you kill a guy on cap they can come back in less than a minute and just shoot everyone in the back people who have gang sheds and houses already come back fast enough that's why there is a neo spawn 

    3. Dab


      2 hours ago, Vac. said:

      once you kill a guy on cap they can come back in less than a minute and just shoot everyone in the back 

      big brain thought... stop defending cartels with your back turned you monkey..

    4. destruct


      No, the idea that people can play on our servers and potentially never leave warzone is no good

  5. Dab

    Sui vest

  6. Dab


    When brokeass mafackas like you break a rule it doesn’t get undone just cus a medic picks me up. I still got my cases ransacked, had to wait for the medic and then pay the dude for the revive. And 9/10 if I get RDM’ed I get camped by a vigi or war. So ya I want my chips with the dip so bring them dips...
  7. I’ll send you 5k to ask an admin to take this down.
  8. Deputies shouldn’t have 9mm Stings.. change my mind..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Elements


      26 minutes ago, Unjo said:

      "Being a deputy is a learning process, not a time to be honing in on fighting skills" - rough quote from the SAPD, highly unlikely a dep will be by themselves in a fight so they should rely on POs

      Most people who are deputy have been it more than once. You don't learn anything from shooting someone 10 times instead of being able to actualy taze someone from behind.

    3. KrispyK


      no deputies roleplay. at all. iv had several just straight deny me immediately when i ask for a higher up because of it and cant do shit cuz i didnt record it.  give them a lower weapon again it forces them to role play out of fear

    4. Elements
  9. You trippin boo
  10. eta quilins

  11. @Gluxdator Louis V is cancelled!? Wtf? Hello?
  12. Dab


    Tell that to the baby crying in the background
  13. Kill me goddess
  14. Civs get Zubr for July update 

  15. Are you having a stroke
  16. Out here trying to dunk on some nerds in the middle of an earthquake

    1. Dab


      My martini splashed all over my cocaine

  17. This ain’t 2016 anymore.. fuck all these “balances” bring back quilins prowlers and house spawning on Warzone.
  18. Perm'd? 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MAV


      false... fake news to get views

    3. Dab


      @MAV he’s good

    4. MAV


      Memetag was enjoyable... Even if you fail used explosive devices on more then one occasion here...:)

  19. 9 minutes of pure fuckery and terrorism..
  20. Dude threatened to submit on me for getting gated while going into HQ. imagine being a huge pussy in 2019
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