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Everything posted by Mutiny

  1. he did it
  2. yeah I’m not gonna sell them I just want to know how much someone would pay for them
  3. how much would you pay for 450 ?
  4. How far will the rollback be and when? @Ryan
  5. Sounds like an unlucky miss communication :/
  6. I get that but honestly you just gotta get over it
  7. With Olympus in this state I’d play asylum. I never disliked asylum tbh
  8. Mutiny


    this is a fatass post to make
  9. That feature will be added soon. @TheCmdrRex posted about it not to long ago.
  10. People already complain about how making money is aids and now you're going to make us pay for the houses we buy?
  11. @Caden This guy made his own and may be able to help you out.
  12. cy@
  13. Standard or Automatic?
  14. Honestly I appreciate the work all the developers do even if goals aren’t met and they are still working hard and giving updates on the progress.
  15. Mutiny


  16. Mutiny

    See ya

    o7 @Captain_ was fun
  17. already sold for 16 trillion Zimbabwe rupees
  18. @Proud @Evann
  19. You probably wear glasses irl.
  20. still for sale
  21. Mutiny

    Remove COP

    Dear god please +11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
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