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Everything posted by Civak

  1. suck my cock AT Offroad sold btw
  2. nobody is buying a Mk1 taser for 1.2 but gl
  3. bump
  4. Armed Huron AT Offroad DMS PM offers
  5. most of the uniforms and shit were bought from myself or my gang members
  6. buy it now
  7. no
  8. imagine being so fucking dogshit as a cop that you go to Blackwater Armory and KNOCK EVERY SINGLE WALL DOWN before anyone even tries robbing it just to give yourself an advantage

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Linka


      40 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

      I use to knock walls down beginning of every restart when bws were popping :4head:

      LMAO so did I , I remember camping inside the fed and BW for hours 

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      11 minutes ago, DashTonic said:

      It actually easier to do a bw with the walls down

      Facts, back in the day it was so much easier. 

    4. Panda :)
  9. cool story bro
  10. i'll sell you two for 2m each
  11. Yes I Am Sorry For Not Having 1/5 Of The Server Population If Not More For Every Federal Event That I Do If Only We Were Like Blackwater Inc.
  12. Okay thanks for once again telling me how to play a BW if I did have 20+ people every time your input is so greatly appreciated
  13. From my experience it's not a random Corp or PO flying and they actually know how to use a Ghawk effectively. Except for when Sandman was on. He didn't know. As for getting the gear and getting out ASAP, you say that as someone who does BW's with 20+ people almost every time if not exclusively every time. When there's a Ghawk mowing down everyone on the ground and another 7 lethals and 5 non-lethals in Hunters/Striders slamming dome it tends not to be as easy to counter as you say. ESPECIALLY when the Medic who is hostage and told to stay inside a certain building decides to go full ape mode and run out to get lethaled by the cops... or better yet just combat log.
  14. Imagine thinking someone in sAPD with a Ghosthawk can't flare a titan and then have a gunner mow down the guy before he can even finish the reload animation lmfao
  15. Everyone keeps saying that it's not bad but you're still forgetting how many times bomb blows on BW and then a cop Ghawk comes and sprays everyone down. Bomb blown =/= successful BW by a long shot.
  16. I have 4 MXM tasers and a P90 taser
  17. he didn't wait 15 minutes between factions
  18. you shouldn't have said that it was outcast's literally dropped the value tenfold i'll give 10k max
  19. csat
  20. imagine camping my shed and risking a rank rip for being 500m from rebel for a week straight just to get 21k out of it LOL:DPEducated:

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