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Everything posted by Civak

  1. which nerds here are grinding BO4, drop battle.net tags

  2. "You can't do that unless if it's my third offense"
  3. Civak


    My Razer Naga Hex v1 that I've had for 4 years started cutting out on me in the middle of R6S matches so I picked up a DeathAdder Elite which just arrived in the mail today. I'm liking it so far.
  4. What happened on 8/14 that there were 21 speed bombs placed opposed to the average 2...?

    1. Instantmac


      I have a feeling @Peter Long had something to do with that

  5. Maybe 30-40 on Olympus
  6. @Peter Long

    You should hop in a TS channel with me someday so I can record you saying a bunch of phrases and turn it into a TS3 soundpack for people to use. :pog:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Would rather deep throat a sandpaper dildo than listen to that.


    3. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      32 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

      Would rather deep throat a sandpaper dildo than listen to that.


      That took a dark turn.

    4. Prime


      Make this happen

  7. I hope you're joking
  8. Need 3 more people to hop in to a custom match 5v5 on Siege, add Civak.dK on UPlay

  9. Interesting
  10. Civak

    Nerf war

    Or you could just shoot each other with lethals
  11. Why aren't people playing on Malden :(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. monster


      Taking Candy from babies now are we? I will now be adding Robbery on top of your current charges which are the following
      1x Count Of Gayness
      1x Count of being better than me
      1x Count of aiding in cancer robbery
      1x Count of Robbery
      Which comes out to $39.95 for your Dinner

    3. Millennium


      4 hours ago, draMa said:

      No medics is something I don’t think people are a big fan of, lots of robbing early on, definitely need the cartel added asap. Gotta be patient with it though because a lot of Olympus people don’t want to change from Altis, gotta wait for the people who liked other Malden life servers to see we have one and join over. The first night was probably the most fun I’ve had on arma in a while so hopefully more people try it out. 

      What u mean, we got Medics and they are the shitties quality out there

    4. Iron J

      Iron J

      Because no one wants to grind all over.  Fuck that!  

  12. i'll take it all for $1
  13. Does it come with hacks pre-installed?
  14. Civak

    Frog House S2

    How much do you want for it?
  15. Jordan540's Mk-1 (including the rest of his loadout if you want) and 2 MX's. Offer.
  16. Jordan540's Mk-1 (including his entire loadout if you want) and two MXs. Offer.
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