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Everything posted by Montez

  1. half the shit in the server stops people from doing runs
  2. imo there's no reason to remove it, all it does is transfer money from one bank account to another.
  3. happy birthday xbox kinect mic @nomadox

  4. +1 to legal runs getting a buff, they just need to stay below drug runs (as in don't need to be worth more than drugs) -1 to betting cap, its not like betting "spawns" money into the economy, its basically an atm transfer with some chance
  5. I try and make enemy gang member go boom boom, u get to close to enemy gang member, u go boom boom too. call that shit crossfire homie
  6. Deputy : "Hey >insert PO Name, can I use one of your hatchbacks?" Literally almost every PO in the APD "Well, you sure can bud!" just don't be one of those deputies that yoinks my hatchback every time im not in it for more than 8.25 seconds I swear to god I will sdar you
  7. 1. "abused" was the wrong word to use, I meant more like its bull shit. I just don't see why you should be able to titan someone without saying anything bc you failed to rip them out at a drug dealer 2. on jah bro if I see a red name get into a white name's heli, that shit getting PIPED. im aiming for that red name dunno bout u 3. bc it would make it basically useless to steal helis, bc they could just titan you at any point, any where on the map, at any time. and it is literally the easiest thing in arma to titan someone who isn't expecting it
  8. "or if the initial engagement was in an illegal area. EX: Bob shoots at Joe at drug dealer as Joe takes off in a hummingbird, and then Bob titans Joe even though Joe was technically out of the illegal zone at that point." I feel like this could get abused, WAY too easily. ex: pull up to any red zone on the map, shoot a singular shot at any hell within redzone, you can now titan them for the next 5 minutes. imo if you want to titan them that badly, titan them in the redzone "Landing an aerial vehicle only ends the titan engagement if all demands have been met. EX: "Auto hover and land or be titaned." Otherwise the titan is still hot even if the aerial vehicle takes off again." pretty sure this is already a thing, but if you really want to be safe you can just say "land and stay landed for 5 minutes" 6. is the literal definition of "cross-fire" 7. makes sense but idk if it currently works that way so +1 8. is dumb as fuck imo
  9. inb4 u suffer withdrawal symptoms like @Jig
  10. congrats @Kedar now you have another scroll wheel option to accidentally hit while trying to get in a car

  11. protip: civs can't wear deputy clothing, it'll just change to PO clothing
  12. @Zahzi im legally obligated to wish you a happy birthday bc u unbanned me

    hbd 🙂

  13. anybody got any good video of how the conquest events go down?
    I don't have my pc to play, and I'd like to see one 🙂

    1. Millennium


      5Locations on map. 
      1 location is chosen, each location has 3 caps which have flag poles u need to cap like a black market.

      you get points for having a cap, first to 1000 wins the pot of all the money from ppl dying and their loadouts

  14. just message Monkeysz on discord ez
  15. wasn't there like a rule update that only staff members can do give aways?
  16. @Revise i can still count the amount of teeth you have on one hand

    1. Revise


      have you migrated to lawns yet or do you still help run the cartel?

    2. Montez


      lawns monday-thursday, cartel friday-sunday

  17. you say this as if sarcasm can be perceived through text (UnLeSs YoU'rE tYpInG lIkE tHiS) but yea, im the roleplayer, FrankieTwinkletoes.
  18. or, it's just a simple fix because not being able to say "why the fuck did you rdm me you fucking retard" while on civ is fucking aids stop complaining
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