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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Corps

  1. o7 Mr. @Kyle Lake




    i still love you don’t worry

  2. Corps

    o7 My Guys

    Man what a faggot am I right ?
  3. And or a phone at work
  4. Overwatch alllll the way
  5. Updated to a newer car
  6. What this mans said
  7. Pretty normal looking to me
  8. #neverforget
  9. Like for real just low key waiting for this Borderlands 2 dlc to drop. Free btw :P

  10. Anyone wanna trade or give me some stuff on rocket league B)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Corps


      Hell yeah I play @Drama

    3. drama


      Let’s play soon @Corps

    4. Corps


      Hell yeah man I’m down for sure! I’ll hit those DMs when I’m on next

  11. Corps


    I’m also bored at work, killing some time being a grammar nazi
  12. Corps


    He’s* it’s* also I know what he is saying, not disagreeing just fixing some incorrect grammar is all
  13. Corps


    You?* You’re*
  14. Corps


    Someone must have failed their deputy test
  15. sTaUs UpDaTe
  16. Tractors!! Time for a wheat run

  17. Well welcome back
  18. Corps


    Another one bites the dust
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