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Everything posted by Fraali

  1. As has been said with the previous creator dlc (paid mods), we will not be including the mod on our server, as it would require every person to have it downloaded and purchased, just like a mod. There is no "free content" coming with it like contact did with the promet or other dlc like marksman etc. So we will not have a chance to utilize any of this in the server.
  2. We have decided to attempt to increase our update frequency, while lowering the amount of content each update. Due to this, it should be the start of what we hope to be a step forward for Olympus, allowing for faster deployment of content and fixes. Anyways, to the actual change log! Added: Additional 2.5% increase in arrest price per 100 arrests after achieving T5 vigi Restrained players names now display as Orange Terrain & view distance toggle (Custom action 7) Cartel & Conquest custom flags Restored Silla & Plague's gang uniform(s)/vehicle. Additional pay for the only medic online 15k -> 17.5k Febuary Donation Goal 3/19-4/19 Drug sell price increased by 15% Conquest pots increased S3 17.5M -> 25M S2 10M ->15M Changed: Art gallery marker colors Swaps to blue when being robbed, purple when idle Optimizations on players joining & nametags Death icon changed Granit/Tracksuit increased from 5WP -> 10WP APD Changes Carrier Lite added to Corporal Mar-10 elevated from Ret. SAPD -> Lt.+ Mar-10 price changed from 130k -> 200k Spar-16s 150 rnd mags removed from Corporal Spar-16s price reduced from 150k -> 95k Type 115 removed from Corporal LMG mags for APD increased Additional vehicle pads added Kore gas station All vigi outposts BW & Air HQ ground garages Blackmarket Mushroom minor changes Sofia stores moved closer together All gunstores roleplayified NPC animation changes T5 helmets removed from saved loadouts Fixed: Cops spawning with Tan P07 instead of black variant DP mission animations Gun store signs and duplicate markers BW HQ vehicle garage Issues with textures not displaying properly Conquest HUD enabled globally not displaying BW vehicles not spawning as T4 turbo/maneuverable Gang base helicopter spawn SWAT Bugs: Clothing/gear being removed while on SWAT Kill notifications not displaying Only the player who capped the point receiving money instead of all the SWAT members SWAT not getting conquest notifications SWAT rewarding Conquest & Warzone warpoints SWAT weapon and clothing shops viewable by normal APD during Conquests Cop hexes not displaying and displaying a vehicle number underneath while on foot Experimental FPS boost Additional network optimization As usual, please report any bugs that you find during gameplay through our Support part of the forums
  3. The first part isn't true. Initially, it seemed we had lower pop because there weren't 2 servers up constantly, but we have gained MANY more new players, almost akin to the days of old to be honest. I've personally been putting every minute possible of mine into trying to fix the performance of both server and clients. I can also say that the rest of the development team has been working their asses off to fix certain aspects of the server. In the end, outdated code is very bad for performance, and it take a long time to revise and rewrite it. It's also why you've been seeing bugs with seemingly unrelated things, because they are getting rewritten in a more up to date format
  4. Would take too much dev time for what needs to be done for it. Also, Tanoa was disliked by the majority, not to mention worse frames for the majority of players. Kinda why it was shut down in the first place. That's not to say things have changed and people want it again. It's possible to be done, I'm just a -1 to the idea.
  5. Added: S.W.A.T. A team of competitive APD members who attend Conquests & help balance the disparity between gangs Adaptive vehicle & weapon shops There is a maximum of 10 SWAT Members allowed at Conquest. SWAT spawn at conquest rebel like civilians When the Capture Point is captured by the SWAT Team it will be set to APD but APD will gain no points. Example - Capture Point Bravo - SFA would change to Capture Point Bravo - APD SWAT receive $50,000 for resetting a capture point SWAT pay $15,000 per death in Conquest Players killed by SWAT have default dopamine timers and do not lose their bounties The Equipment per rank is as listed: SWAT I (Trainee) Police Vest, SPAR-16S, MX, S.W.A.T. Backpack SWAT II (Pvt.) MXM, Carrier Lite, T2 Helm SWAT III (Pfc.) Type, Promet, MXSW, AK-12U SWAT IV (Corp.) SPAR-17, MK18, AK-12 T4 Helmet/ Pilot helmet SWAT V (Spc.) MK-1, Shortsleeve Uniform SWAT Sgt.+ GL Carrier Rig Vest, RPK-12 You can find rules & regulations for S.W.A.T. HERE You can find information on requirements & applications HERE APD Ifrits for SWAT Giant statue off the coast of Kavala Additional player slots to APD for SWAT Speedbomb titles giving the ability Ability to access Gang garages from Impound Yards Give keys to all in group/gang AoW DLC Assets Blue & Khaki Suits added to Civilian clothing shops Black & Grey formal and T-Shirt variants added to Civilian Clothing shops ($50 donor) AoW T-Shirts added to Rebel & Civilian clothing shops AoW Backpacks added to Civilian & Rebel clothing shops Gang Uniforms 88 Gang Uniform SFA Gang Uniform - GW Winners Task Force 141 Gang Uniform Cumslut Gang Uniform Aloha Gang Uniform Vehicles Textures Short School Bus (Disability) CSAT Hunter Adibas Rebel Uniform Changed: Radio Tower Icons Pyrgos minor remodel Junior APD Uniforms Federal Events cannot be started while an APD Escort is in progress APD are now able to revive other factions that have "Allowed Epi" Marker Colors for Pharmaceutical vehicles & Art Gallery Fixed: Blown up vehicles at Gang base spawning a destroyed tower. ATMs being accessible via windows key at any range. Issues with APD Lethal stats not saving. Issues with high network latency Purchasing multiple items in a weapon menu lagging the player Loading Loadouts allowing you to go negative General server performance Removed: Multiple gang uniforms Hotfix: SWAT Bugs: Clothing/gear being removed while on SWAT Kill notifications not displaying Only the player who capped the point receiving money instead of all the SWAT members SWAT not getting conquest notifications SWAT rewarding Conquest & Warzone warpoints SWAT weapon and clothing shops viewable by normal APD during Conquests Cop hexes not displaying and displaying a vehicle number underneath while on foot Sofia stores moved closer together All gunstores roleplayified NPC animation fixes T5 helmets removed from saved loadouts Blackmarket Mushroom minor changes Additional vehicle pads added Kore gas station All vigi outposts BW & Air HQ ground garages Experimental FPS boost Additional network optimizations Added Textures: Dior uniform Ironmaners uniform Dankpods hatchback & uniform Traplords uniform Supreme Vuitton Wetsuit for $75 donors Removed gang textures: Plague Ifrit & uniform Silla uniform As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
  6. There are a few things in the works that will be designed to appeal more to people and try to make the game more fun for everyone. I can't say this will "bring back the server", but it should alleviate some concerns about population
  7. Added: Gang Bases A single gang base has been placed near Lakka This gang base will go up for grabs in a Gang Skirmish once a week Every time a Gang Skirmish occurs, the Gang Bases' perk will be randomly swapped to one of the following: 15% reduction on weapons in the rebel shop (Does not stack with owning Arms Cartel) 15% reduction on all vehicle purchases 15% increase in all illegal run sales Mousing over the map marker will display the current perk Gangs who own a Cartel now earn passive money Generates every 10 minutes dependant on player population Holding additional cartels generates additional revenue Added Plague Ifrit and gang uniform Added BC gang uniform Added Spiderman Ifrit Added Bape Qilin Added Tan-Black Rebel Uniform More Titles & Stats Chopping Vehicles Chopper - Chop 1 Vehicle Car Jacker - Chop 10 Vehicles GTA Mastermind - Chop 25 Vehicles Professional Valet - Chop 100 Vehicles Lockpick Porcupine - Chop 250 Vehicles Robbing Cops Police Impersonator - 1 Cops robbed Deputy of Deception - 10 Cops robbed Korporal of Kidnapping - 25 Cops robbed Cops Hate Me - 100 Cops robbed Should be Blacklisted - 250 Cops robbed Escaping Jail Runner - Escape Jail 1 times Escapee - Escape Jail 5 times Escape Artists - Escape Jail 10 times Michael Scofield - Escape Jail 25 times Spending Money Tightwad - Spent 1 mil Cheapskate - Spent 5 mil Spender - Spent 10 mil Walmart Runner - Spent 25 mil Investor - Spent 50 mil Shark - Spent 100 mil Owns the Island - Spent 250 mil Winning Staff Events Winner - Win an Staff event 1 time Bronze Medalist - Win an Staff event 5 times Silver Medalist - Win an Staff event 10 times Gold Medalist - Win an Staff event 25 times Cheats in Events - Win an Staff event 50 times Completing plane delivers Flying Ace - 25 Captain of The Clouds - 50 Barry Seal - 100 WPL sells (includes discount perks at WPL shop) Legal Lover - 1k sold - 0% price reduction for WPL gear Pocket Protector - 5k sold - 2.5% price reduction for WPL gear Open Carrier - 15k sold - 5% price reduction for WPL gear Rook Banger - 50k sold - 10% price reduction for WPL gear Pharma now has a progress bar when selling at any drop off Selling at 85% takes 30 seconds Selling at 100% and 150% takes 5 seconds Both are canceled if tased, restrained, killed, or too far from the sell NPC RnR Supervisors have access to staff uniforms in their clothing shop Added RnR Xi'an Infantry to coordinator air shop Added new markers for Processors Added new markers for DP missions Added new marker for Dopamine crate Added passenger seats for cargo vans Added undercover Offroad, Jeep & Prowler variants to APD Added all Civilian truck variants to APD Bait vehicles Added Raven vest for Corporal+ Added MK20 to APD POs MK20GL to Corporal+ Added Black P07 to Deputy+ Added ARCO and RCO scopes for APD Deputies Added Yorris Zubr sight to Deputy+ Added non-smg ACO Green & Red to Deputy+ Added T5 Helmet to rebel clothing and WP shops Added skins for Go-Karts Added skin for Strider Added skins for Prowler Black Sand Dazzle Camo Added skins for Caesar BTT White Racer Tribal Wave Added Prowler to regular rebel shops Rebel Clothing shop Additions Arid Stealth Uniforms Added Sage Green uniform Added Woodland Camo uniform Surfer & Camo bandannas CSAT Beret Defender Helmet GL Carrier Rig, KBT Carrier Rig, Suicide Vest, Carrier Lite, & Invis Bergen to WP shop Armed Qilin & Armed Prowler to WP shop for 80 & 110 WPs Armed Prowler added to regular rebel shops for $1.75M Added a new charge Attempting Kidnapping ($35,000) Additional RVMATs for donors Gloss (non-donor) Mirror ($150) Bullion ($125) VRWhite ($75) VRPink ($75) VROrange ($75) VRGreen ($75) Rage ($50) Teal ($30) Sapphire ($30) Amber ($30) Ruby ($30) Changed: APD Escort cooldown reduced from 45 to 20 when vehicle is blown up New Revive and Epi animation Marker for Apple, Peach & Cow Manure fields APD can seize left over gold in the federal vault if no more than 75 bars are stolen APD receive rewards for defusing bombs at federal events Roleplay objects added to APD vans Maximum amount earned from sending people to jail as a group increase from 5m to 10m Always spawn with NVGs rather than only at night Decreased lockout time for respawning after requesting medic from 7.5m to 5m Increased WPL sell bonus from 15% to 20% Decreased the processing minimum to gain a processing bonus & increased grace time between processing Reduced helmet prices in rebel clothing and WP shops Removed WP calculations for all helmets besides Pilot & Thermal Helmets Replaced Armed Prowler with AT Jeep for BW loot pool Reduced seize reward for meth ingredients from 2940 to 1800 Increased despawn timer for airdrop from 30m to 40m and changed the model RnR medic markers when requesting denial changed from Orange to Yellow Dispatch Menu changes accordingly Fixed: Rangefinders properly show player names Lethal Injection titles properly track off of lethal injections rather than conquest kills Fog is now fogger Pure Heroin saves into loadouts Aloha T-shirt saves into loadouts Server restart message no longer permanently displays Pyrgos APD Airplane shop map marker rotation Various Bugs Removed: Staff KOS 10 minute timer to escape or leave jail Hitman Warpoint bonus on Killstreaks and Distance for Titans Tan P07 from APD Weapon shops Redundant map markers Hotfix #1 Fixed Casino Lag Fixed Raven vest for APD Fixed players being kicked for selling with WPL at max market price Fixed Black P07 for APD Changed Silla gang uniform from old to new Removed T5 helmet from rebel store Fixed APD uniform from being on civ clothing store Fixed rebel boat vehicle spawn & ATM Fixed Phantom skin for sAPD As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
  8. The idea in itself is just a single, easy step, that anyone can take with a bit of self restraint. It probably wouldn't be that difficult, but would get useless code being made for something people can do themselves. As of right now, I personally, do have other priorities such as performance and severe bug fixing but if some civ council peeps really deem this to be something that should be put in, one of our devs would probably do it
  9. Then you have bad info. Regardless of who it is, they will get the appropriate punishment if they break a rule. I can't speak for Ryan, but all staff would ban for a rule break if they are able.
  10. Added: New Notification System Gold, chrome, and fade materials for every vehicle ~ key now displays group members' names below hexes Bandanas to clothing shop Y menu market now shows max price of all items Texture Additions Saints Row Ifrit Louis Vuitton Qilin Electric Wetsuit Prison Jumpsuit Redesign Abibas Clothing Redesign Altis Racer RnR Supervisor Uniform Redesign Changed: Stone Flash Rework AT Offroad can no longer be slung Corporal+ can now start APD escorts Once started a Corporal may authorize lethals via the weapon shop NPC Neochori HQ redesigned Pyrgos Hospital moved and redesigned Rain replaced with mild fog Walls at church cartel now indestructible All terror towers moved closer to their respective cities City markets moved closer to town center APD Hellcat moved to Corporal+ APD Orca moved to Sergeant+ Fixed: Server restart issues Airdrops not starting Various Bugs Removed: Texture Removals All Christmas skins Red Wetsuit Roach Green Qilin Hotfix #1 Fix gokart material bug Fix cpl hellcat lights Fix taru lights Fix cpl lethals Fix broken gang uniform Fix more hints Add materials for more vehicles Add staff KOS APD & RNR can now use materials "Dingle" hatchback now public, no longer a gang vehicle
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