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Everything posted by YakGod

  1. ?imw=1024&imh=576&ima=fit&impolicy=Lette

    Altis RAF 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZimZim


      @ SPBojo My assumption was the 4 ghawks were already at the bw and these planes were waiting for next wave

    3. Lucien


      POV: A medic texted the APD they saw an offroad at weed field

    4. knifemaster


      @ Lucien not just any offroad, a pink off road

  2. Well done @ Rexo


    thank you @ Winters for the fun times and the laughs 

  3. @ Rafa from running around as a corporal with you to being removed by you I can safely say we had a good run and a crap load of fun in between. you always made people take RP to another level and it always ended in laughter I shall miss you. may you have the best of luck in life and don’t be a stranger.
  4. Happy birthday @ Eddy Spagooti

    1. Eddy Spagooti

      Eddy Spagooti

      thank you i got the backing of the cultural diveristy picker

  5. Sad to lose my fellow Brit SRG but well done @ GST

    1. GST


      Thank you mate, will miss Delta :*(

  6. Dp22 and a Dp25 2 crater for sale both fully upgraded and listed on market 

  7. selling dp22 house fully upgraded 

    1. doubleueyeceekay


      good price people should snap it up

    2. Google


      how many crates

    3. YakGod


      Got a 2 crater in 22 and a 2 crater in 25

  8. Selling a Fully Upgraded 2 crater in DP22 see image for location. It has 500 physical storage and 1500 virtual
  9. DP22 2 crater fully upgraded listed on market 

  10. Tis the season to be Yak Taxing 

  11. imagine witch hunting a group of players purely because they got you banned for breaking rules and in your witch hunt have broken many more so kinda defeats the point
  12. should be tagged with GG to knife who got corp in this 


  13. what a pile of nonsense have you done to the server lagging and crashing everyone i knows game please roll this shit back
  14. Well doen @ GST  keeping the commonwealth Delta squad alive 

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