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Everything posted by Papamunski

  1. Has AFM been turn off for this server? 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Papamunski


      if you saw no reason to respond then you shouldnt have ;) anyway you caught fluff of some possibility to exploit that next to no one knows about, this could have been around since AFM has been about, so obviously it can't be that serious..unless you got proof that its been happening from many players on the server then i stand by my statement...


      'Sorry but not sorry'.........gay

    3. Mako


      13 hours ago, Papamunski said:


      Jesus Christ you're a flaming retard I genuinely hope you end your life.

    4. Papamunski


      still here motherfucker🖕

  2. that sux..1 house left out of 5 and all my shit gone with it on server 1..ummm yeah ok cool

    1. Unjo


      Did you open one of the doors in the last 60 days?

    2. Papamunski


      thought you just had to log on...since when have you had to enter the house? i lost millions worth of shit lol

  3. lol i member the (IS) controversy lol..
  4. inbox the link mate will have a look
  5. what cracked version you got?
  6. When do monthly rewards usually  get added? 

    1. PoptartRex


      The one for this month was already added. 

      Usually sometime within the first 10 days of the month. 

  7. Server 1 just got fucked in the ass lol ffs

    1. Dangus


      Yeah, it kind of did. Sucked too cause whoever the hacker was was framing people who didn't do shit

  8. This is meant to be a monthly giveaway right?
  9. Papamunski Playerunknowns battleground im a single dad....can't afford fuckall lol
  10. Good to be back after a holiday!...Only took 3 years to break my cherry! lmao

  11. whos in charge for putting stream names in the stream list? i asked back in dec but havent heard anythin


  12. looks like a few people are using aimbots..to die from one shot to the lower leg from a few hundred meters away when your fully kitted seems pretty suss...just sayin

    1. SheriffJohnBeard


      if you shoot someone in the achilles' heel with an MK18, they will die  

    2. Fuzy


      What do aimbots have to do with people being shot in the lower leg? Don't aimbots aim at the head?

    3. Danger


      If you think people are cheating please submit a ticket with any proof that you may have. This is not the place for it.


  13. A 3rd server like it was back in the day sounds pretty good

  14. it spawned me outside past the bridge. so i wasn't even on the island
  15. you dick lol
  16. just seems a bit unfair since i have no choice when my time is up and it spawns me there, i wouldve stayed in jail and hid in the corner until it was all over lol.
  17. that was very informative lol
  18. Ok so i havent been on this server in months and obviously there would be plenty of rule changes since then, i logged in and well i was in jail, patiently waited my time out and was released right when a jailbreak was happening..my question is whats the ruling when you are released and standing at the spawn point and your killed?
  19. haha yeah mate, havent done any gaming for months! Gettin out and seeing more of my beautiful country before winter comes back!
  20. you were always my favourite taxi fare mate!
  21. awww boo hoo its snowing...beats 113 in the shade you soft cunts lol
  22. haha good to see me old taxi vids still bringing new members :)

  23. funny how people go from heros to princesses in 2 seconds flat...harden the fuck up sweethearts

  24. ^^^ this cunt
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