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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. Roughly 30 mins I'll start streaming some News Team RP.

    1. Dustin87


      Cool. Il be there.

  2. The best episode to date is up

    1. Talindor


      U should have me on there more lol

    2. Rich homie

      Rich homie

      Can't believe I missed it live ):

    3. DeathDingo


      Hopefully I will have my internet fixed tomorrow so I can watch videos and streams again lol a dingo ate my interwebs

  3. Let us know your opinions on this weeks episode and discuss any opinions you have bellow. Also don't forget to subscribe to the channel!
  4. this is just turning into a tennis match between warfare and virus - Ares

    1. Dustin87
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      It felt like I was on Hannity or the O'Reilly Factor, haha

  5. We are live with Moose, Virus & Talindor http://www.twitch.tv/bltnpodcast

  6. BLTN delayed until Mcdili returns from his unknown location.

  7. Live in 15. Feel free to chill till then http://twitch.tv/bltnpodcast

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Just finished my tax appointment, dude. Save me a spot on the cast!

  8. If all goes to plan BLTN will be going live in 40 mins with Virus & Talindor. APD Night boys and girls.

    1. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      Virus and potatoes are bae

  9. Still need 2 guests tonight for BLTN. Drop me a message on steam, forums, ts, email, hot air balloon, carrier pigeon, whatever really

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Talindor
    3. Talindor


      @Talindor topics aren't decided but APD topics will be happening. Might also go over post wipe thoughts and suggestions people put up.

      In the post wipe, there is topic on Firing rate.

    4. Dustin87


      Thomas the Pdub god? That would be a good one!

  10. We need two guests for tomorrow nights BLTN Podcast. We go live at 9pm PST. HMU if interested

  11. Spectral started his own server. toothpasteandoj & watered down milk are the same people.
  12. Then play it smart and record. Whenever I die I check the time on my OBS to see when I can return. If my game crashes I also have valid evidence that shows my game crashed.
  13. The ideas and videos he had clearly were scheduled for today. It's ThomasTime
  14. I've been brought back from the dead numerous times, you aren't doctors but miracle workers.
  15. Figured so. The only thing I have ever been told in regards to switching from civ to cop is don't get involved if you know about the current situation. However it's not a rule and nor is the 15 min one.
  16. Events are a big part of the community. If it was possible we would do 1 every day. Time and patience my friends.

  17. I'm not trying to be rude but did you just pull this out of your ass?
  18. Good thing I checked out this thread before making my app.
  19. I don't think we have had an event in awhile. What type of one do you guys want?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Gucci Mane

      Gucci Mane

      Warfare, we need constant events :) at least 1 every 2-3 days or so :)

    3. Muthinator


      Everyone seems to be taking a


    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Escort a VIP as APD, if he gets captured and bought to one of the rebels for 15 min, he'll give away position of a vehicle with X Golden Bars, some weapons and such ;)

      Though, everyone will be warned that coming 100meters near the convoy will be counted as high level threat, and cops can use lethals (If they use tazers it will be too messy - also adds more tactility)

  20. Not everyone can be as well educated and amazing as king Bojo.
  21. Maybe he isn't from an English speaking country. If that's the case I think he is doing pretty damn well. If that's not the case then hopefully he can try a bit harder.
  22. Wasteland server please.

    1. Tman15tmb
    2. SPBojo


      no plz

      qt 3.14

    3. Warfare


      qt pie....clever. I see no reason to be against it. Won't impact anything Altis wise.

  23. Community team apps are closed for the time being. Please still submit them, they will just be put on hold.

    1. Snake


      Can't wait to get a reply back on mine!

    2. Warfare


      I don't think you even applied lol

  24. Most commented comment of comments.

  25. Clearly he was talking about Ace
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