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SWAT Commander
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Everything posted by Lucien

  1. Lucien

    Need help

    Windows movie maker
  2. I saw Gary vent o7
  3. hbd mr. @Jig i hope u have good luck at the casino on your birthday!!!!

  4. ved was framed by pfc jake free the boy false charges smh my head

  5. Idk man I don't think that dabest guy would have gotten game banned if @Drippp was a mod

    1. Drippp


      I been saying that, I could easily talk any cheater out of cheating by explaining how wrong it is. Whatever tho guess they don’t wanna see me shine

  6. How about waiting till RDNA2 is revealed tomorrow before asking lol who knows it might be better for once
  7. don't know you but based on your signature you're a sav o7 homie
  8. Maybe you just have to have a certain number of cops nearby instead of sapd to start it? Would be a nice change to the event plan. Just a thought I agree it should be for Jr APD because they are the ones online most of the time + there is more of them so more likely it will happen more often
  9. hacker blowing up the server at https://www.twitch.tv/notlorax


    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Better go introduce myself to this "hacker" ;D

    2. Lucien


      Rip the boys stream permanent ban

  10. Is this only legal firearms or are illegal/cop weapons included?
  11. @PFC Jake surviving another ban wave unstoppable

  12. Vermin Supreme 2020
  13. Mogul moves
  14. Lucien


    PPG/JG homie ved
  15. @PFC Jake stop ddossing the server

  16. idk bat & the boys were cleaning that bitch out every day
  17. Better paint skills than genry

  18. Happy Birthday @Lorax. The best boyfried anyone could ask for. uwu Screenshot_20190326-200530_Snapchat.jpg?width=227&height=467

    hope you get some easy money from the chinese government spying on international students!

  19. Lucien

    Oh Hello

    did you ever find an rp guild
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