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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Stix

  1. Stix

    Heya (:

  2. shhh...
  3. Arma 4
  4. Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): @Fedot Fedot is the king of rule breaking
  5. +1 for M2A4 Slammer Up
  6. look at this might help.
  7. Wish i did not live in the states this next 4 years
  8. and 1 potato home grown for TPF
  9. yoke and throttle is in a plane not helicopters. It is cyclic and collective
  10. People are just going to dupe mar-10 and dms all day
  11. -1 for for everything but the idea of blackwater
  12. So whos ghosthawk did i sucide vest today?

  13. last full deputy chief gear w/ mar 10 i sold was for 8 mil
  14. Stix


    make your own server
  15. Hyper X Cloud 2 great mic and great sound only $90 https://www.amazon.com/HyperX-Cloud-Gaming-Headset-PS4/dp/B00SAYCXWG/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1473968568&sr=1-1&keywords=hyperx+cloud+2 Different colors as well Everyone that i have told to buy them says they are the best headset they have had
  16. Stix


    do you have the Arma 3 expansion
  17. Its been a good solid 20 seconds and i am not dead...
  18. I was just getting the popcorn dam you @Peter Long

  19. Stix

    Altis IRL

    More detailed post i made a while back.
  20. They could all ways rob you and take your shit. Say you are in a fight against a nother gang and you die from them and you want to get epied by one of your gang members but the gang that kills you epi pens you and then robs you. So if you can approve who can and can not epi pen you I think it would help out aloy.
  21. Yea that would work too. Anything to aprove someone to epi pen you.
  22. So today me and someone were talking about this in square and this was what we came up with. Recently i have been epi pened when i did not want to get revived and then after the epi pened me they engaged me. Say if player A dies buy player B then player A just wants to respawn but player B gets to player A befor he is able to respown and epi pens him and re engages him. So if there was a way to add a diolog box and when player B starts epi pen a meassage pops up on dead player A and says "Player B is trynbg to epi pen you would you like them to proceed Yes or No". Not complaning or anything just thought of this idea let me know what you think.
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