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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. Gosh I’m really scared no I would never want to play dayz with you you don’t get to claim Indian
  2. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/NokiaStrong/#sort=order really tryna play dayz with the boys or cyberpunk when it comes out
  3. try end to open bios
  4. congrats @Jester on Senior support lead

  5. Yo bro @Airborne is an admin
  6. if you had kicked me from BW i would have probably quit arma. have fun with life. good times
  7. Are we talking about the update that has dlc that acts like mods?
  8. happy birthday dpi jumper

  9. Congrats @Ryan tomorrow’s your big day! Go to bed early and eat a balanced breakfast

  10. o7 to one of best people on olympus ps where is my @
  11. This guy didn’t like his post so he’s gay
  12. Cutting a video takes 30 seconds with the windows trim tool
  13. Can I have one with 4 arms
  14. Can I come in TeamSpeak
  15. Congrats @Luke Duke and @Hylos black looks clean


  16. Open it for the server three mains who are off of school
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