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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. NokiaStrong

    Olympus Twitch

  2. From my understanding @DeadPooldoesn’t want an inflated economy from all the discord giveaways that were happening.
  3. So your selling spar 16 gl with 150 round mags?
  4. We get it you’re permed stop bragging
  5. I’ll buy 7
  6. @TheCmdrRex  for sr dev. If he does most of that large ass update himself then he should get a promo

  7. Just kill them lol
  8. Send skin pics
  9. What is the Pyrgos airport that’s been added
  10. What gun doesn’t have black mags
  11. Very likely if he didn’t know and is honest but I’m not staff and it’s up to them
  12. Yes he can submit a ban appeal at https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/
  13. Or we don’t come up with any ideas cause devs are over loaded
  14. insert toxic comment here
  15. They didn’t blame players for getting the server hacked. They blamed them for having to do a roleback
  16. They didn’t blame players for getting the server hacked. They blamed them for having to do a roleback
  17. Roll back means the server is going back to how it was on 4/26 and someone said you can do what ever with the money right now as long as you follow server rules
  18. Alternative solution in quick easy steps step 1: take off headphones step 2: done Again shutting down the server doesn’t speed up coding. Keeping it allows devs to have more logs to use to code
  19. The money is gonna be removed and right now people are just having fun with it. Shutting down the server doesn’t make them code any faster
  20. O7
  21. Those don’t exist
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