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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. selling g-hawk pm offers

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      I have someone who wants it for 17

    3. Maddox


      Give it to me for 16 or you’re kicked off the map team

    4. Maddox
  2. Biden got a comeback in Wisconsin and Michigan 

    1. Vcx


      Trump needs michigan to win but idk if that's going to happen 

    2. ThatNerdyGuy
  3. See I agree Biden might cause slight loss in gdp long term but currently democrats are the one pushing a stronger stimulus bill while gop avoiding the issue.
  4. ah yes someone with a college degree teaching a college level course who has won numerous national awards or someone who did a lil googling. Sounds about right. laissez faire doesnt work, if the country slips into rescission were doomed for years, price and wages are not flexible. the whole course is about how different policy's affect the economy lol
  5. I’m in an ap economics class lol
  6. nah cuh the democracts will use expansionary policys to stimulate the economy which mr mitch mcconnel wont touch with a 20 ft poll. He let congress go during a global pandemic while American family's are grieving loved ones and being evicted from they homes 99.99 chance of survival but 200k+ American lives have been lost to it and we are in no sight of slowing down. japan has 1/3 of our population and is 3x more densely populated but dispite this they have less than 1/200th the amount of deaths and no major economic slow down why? cause they dont bitch about wearing a mask
  7. luckily its not that black and white, the us has a progressive tax plan meaning those who make less will be taxed less, those making more get taxed more. Bidens plan is to increase taxes on those making more than 400k. even then the progressive tax is more complicated than taxed more if make more. I just want the rich to have to actually pay taxes not get off on some bs tax credit/deduction
  8. not half maybe slightly more, i doubt you make over 400k a year even then not half The healthcare isnt for just illegal immigrants, its for the familys who are being evicted from they homes and cant afford private healthcare or those who spend 1/4 of their income on medicines which they need to live, like insulin.
  9. anyone got one of those free spotify premium family plan things going on, mine just kicked me after over 2 years

    1. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      Idk if you're in college are anything, but usually they give college students spotify for free.

  10. Filmed in mexico
  11. finna make me log on arma
  12. Someone should put me on their gang wars roster

  13.  Rip noodles, body was found in a ditch outside red burger. 😢 

  14. anyone wanna play sea of thieves just got it and need a crew

  15. Congrats @Kamikaze and @Hylos 

    its about time

  16. Pretty sure it’s a grave stone you scroll wheel on at Pyrgos cemetery that says destruct is the worst senior admin
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